SombraxFemale!Hitman Reader

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Looking at the sleeping woman, you sigh. It has been three hours since you knocked her out. Grabbing your phone you call your girlfriends number. After three rings Olivia picks up.


"What are you doing shadow?"

"Nothing just making sure she gets off the grid, has she woken up yet,"

"No, "

"Oh, then why'd you call?"

"Wanted to hear your voice,"

She laughs breathlessly. You smile, you love hearing her voice. So beautiful. A cough signals you to hang up.

"Ight, I gotta bounce shadow, Talk to you later,"


Stretching you stand up and grab her file. Looking at the file, you go over it again. The woman finally opens her eyes and they widened and look at you.

"Good Morning, Ms.James, I will be performing your assassination today, any questions,comments,concern?" You says to her not making eye contact.

"Where the hell am i?" She questions as you finish. You close the file and place it on your seat.

"Do you remember, Colonel Rivera's assassination?"

Confusion is written across her face. Then realization comes across it. She nods slowly. A smirk makes it way across your face.

"Good. Since you saw it, you know have to die "

Tears begin to form in the woman's eyes. She tries to struggle to get out of her chair.

"B-but,can't i just not say anything," Tears are streaming down her face. You shake your head."Sorry, no can do, me and you have made contact,". You pause and begin walking around the room. "If my name or business gets out there. I'm dead,"

The woman tears wont stop.

You sigh and pick up your gun.

"Any last words?"

She sniffles and a hateful gleam makes it way to her eyes.

"I hate you"

You smirk and grab the gun

"That's what they all say"

You pull the trigger and the woman head falls down.

Popping a loli-pop in your mouth you walk out the room. The guard standing outside the door nods to you and enters the room.

Leaning outside the door was Olivia on her holo-screens. Seeing you, she smiles and you walk closer to her.

Leaning closer to her you kiss her. You feel her smirk in the kiss. Olivia's arms wrap around your neck, deepening the kiss.

When you run out of air, you lean back and place your forehead on her.

"I love you Olivia,"

"Te amó, Y/n"

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