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Watching your cousin get married, you sighed. Jack and Gabriel were perfect for each other. They looked lovely in their handsome suits and matching smiles.

Standing watching the sunset, you twirled your drink. Strong arms around your shoulders made you shriek.

"Y/N It's great to see you," A loud booming voice said.

"Reinhardt, it is great to you,"

The man laughed and let go of you. Patting your dress down, you smiled up at the tall German. He hasn't changed at all since the last battle you guys fought in.

"Y/n isn't it great, that all of us can come together like this and not be in battle," The man said his voice lowerkng down. You nod and look at the sea of people.

Most of them are family , some friends, and others you havent met them yet. Taking a sip of your drink, you spot someone you didnt think you'd spot again.

It is someone from the fighting days during the crisis wjen your countries fought side by side to defeat the omnics. Widing your eyes, you saw that they looked more lovely then ever.

It was

"ANA OVER HERE" Reinhardt shouted. The woman looked over at you two and smiles. God she was still beautiful. A blush rose on your face as she walked over to you. Reinhardt looked down at you and nodded, mischeif in his eyes.

Oh god

Ana is standing infront of you as you finished your drink. Your blush is pretty visable by now. Ana looked up Reinhardt and started conversated with the man.

You stood listening to them while the cup was empty. Trying to make yourself faze out of life. Looking over at the crowd you saw that the DJ has put on a hype song.

Reinhardt cheers."I love this song," He walked over to the crowd and started dancing. A smile came on your face, that man was the best.

A laugh beside you made you realize that you are not alone in the corner.

"He really is something else," Ana said, as she crossed her arms. You could only nod your head.

"How have you been, Y/n?" She asked, her silky voice filling your ears. You nodded again. Her eyebrow raised and she places her hand on your shoulder.

"Are you ok?"

You nodded and looked down at your empty cup. You try and open your mouth to talk to her but nothing comes out.

A little voice catches you off guard."Mommy when can we see Uncle Gabe?" Turning your head, you see a little girl around the age of 6 that looked just like Ana. Ana squatted down to the girls height. A warm smile in her face.

"Soon Fareeha, Uncle Gabe is busy dancing and he may be a little drunk, so stay here with Y/n while I go grab him," The mother explained to the little girl. The girl nodded. She looked over at you, who blushed again.

"Is it alright if she stays with you?" She asked and you nodded. She smiled at you and patted her daughter's head. Once she was gone you stood quiet next to the little girl.

"Are you the Y/n L/n?" the girl asked. You looked down at her and nodded. She beamed up at you."Mom told me the story of when you saved her in the crisis,"

You froze, you thought she forgot about that. It was a really long time ago, about 10 years ago. You and the new strike team were in Cairo. The omnics started attacking, destroying everything in its way. Ana was getting people out of the area away from the omnics. Reinhardt was in another area, laughing it up and smashing the  robots. He was no where near her. 

Because life is a cruel mistress, A huge omnic turned around and saw Ana and the civilians. Jumping on the robots back, you yanked out its wires and it started to fall towards the group. Ana pushed them as far as she could before it fell. The robot fell directly on her.

Not exactly.

Just before it fell, you hopped of of it as fast as you could and shielded her with your body as best as you could. Holding the robot up, you let the woman crawl out from under it and you rolled out yourself. Rolling your shoulder back, you went back to the battle field.

Looking back at Fareeha, you voice your thoughts,"I thought she forgot about that," The little girl hook her head."No she said it was awesome, the way you lifted the robot,and how calm radiated off your body as you destroyed the robot," A blush makes it back on your face as the little goes on about her mother praising you.

"She still talks about it," The young girl continued. You nodded and listened to the girl for what felt like hours. She told you about Ana's hard training on the child and the other missions her mother went on.

After a while you heard hig heels coming begind you. Turning around, you smile at the older Amari.

"Hey Ana, Fareeha was just telling me about your missions," You said, smilin at her. She smiled back and for some reason you didn't have a blush on your face.

The woman looked at her child, who was holding a cup of fruit punch."Uncle Gabe is going to come over to the house before he leave tomorrow. We have to get home, it's a school night,"

The young girl sagged her shoulders, but walked over to her mother."Bye Y/n," Fareeha said degectdly. You waved at her and watched Reinhardt come back. He waved at Ana and her child.

You and the man watched them go, yo usighed and looked at your still empty cup."So when are you gonna tell her Y/n?" He said, very loudly.

You groaned and the blush came back.

"Someday Rein, Someday,"

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