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Just wanted to thank everyone who said something encouraging about that troll who wrote some rude things to me. Your words really helped me. It feels good to know there are people who I don't know personally that will defend me.
Thank you so much!

Anyway back to the story.

Also to the fam who wanted this story. I just made it during the BalckWatch days cause I ship Tracer and her Gf. So hope that is okay.

Knocking on the door to your Commander's office or your new commander. After that incident in Rialto, BlackWatch had to be suspended for some time being. Any members who wanted to stay had to join Overwatch. And it sucks.

Before you could even speak the door opened for a hand to grab you and pull you in. You landed on your butt as you looked up at the hand that grabbed you.

"What's the big de-McCree?" you gasped and stood up. The older man laughed before wrapping you in a hug. You smiled and hugged the man that was like an older brother to you.

A cough brought your attention to the others in the room. Looking around you saw your former commander, Captain Amari, and Commander Morrison.

A red glow came from the corner of the room. Looking over there you saw Genji glaring and being edgy.

"Hey Genji," you smiled at him. He held up two fingers salute at you. Turning back to the older people, you straighten your back.

"Yes Commander?" you ask. The blonde man looks over at his friends before turning back to you.

"We are going to have a new recruit soon and I wanted you to personally train them,"He said. You look over at your Uncle, he is biting the inside of his cheek. He doesn't like that idea.

"Commander With all due respect are you sure I'm the right candidate for this position?"You ask hoping that helps your Uncle. Jack nods his head before standing up and walking around Ana, who was standing next to him.

He came around to stand in front of you. His hands placed on your shoulders. A small smile on his face.

"I personally think you are the perfect person,"He said. You looked over at your Uncle. He was squinting his eyes at the man, before looking over at you. He nodded his head and you copied him.

"Okay Commander I'll take your word on that, I will help this person,"



Grabbing the hand and twisting it behind the girl's back, you leaned down to her ear.

"That's 36 to 0," you whisper into her ear. Chuckling when you see her shiver. Pushing her down you look behind you and signal 3 and 6 to Angela. She nods before writing soemthing down.

You hear the girl get up off the mat. Turning around you saw her moving her around.

"Agent L/n can you go a little easier on Tracer next time,"


You do a thumbs down to him before getting in position. The girl is in the same position. Her guns ready.

"Alright lets stop for today," A voice calls out from the door. You turn around to see Commander Morrison standing there. You nod towards the washroom for the girl.

"Good hustle Lena," You say as she walks away. You turn towards the Commander.

"Yes sir?"

"We may have a problem,"


You enter the washroom sighing. Ana worked you too much today, then you have to train Lena soon too.

Turning a shower on, you frown and wait for the hot water to turn on. A whimper makes you turn your head to the other side of the washroom. Walking over to the noises, they start to become recognizable noises.

"Who is fucking over here?" you shout. An audible curse makes you roll your eyes.

"Oxton who do you have over here?" you said, before grabbing the shower curtain. Pulling it to the side, you blush as you see the girl naked.

You both look at each other blinking before the girl stands up and pulls you towards her.

"I'm sorry Y/n but I have urges," She said before kissing you. Your hands grab her shoulders, pulling her away from you. She blinks and blushes.

"Lena are you sure?" you asked her, she nodded. You smile before pining her to the wall.

Your hands go under her thighs and you pick her up. You licked her bottom lip making her gasp, taking the chance you sticked your tongue in her mouth. She moaned and you moved your hand down her body.

She pukked away gasping for air, you connect your lips to her jaw and makeing your way towards her neck. Stopping at her neck, you sucked on one spot making her moan really loudly.

Your hand moved from her chest down to her clit. Your forefinger moved slow as it went up and down.

"Y-Y/n, harder," she moaned. You smirked and pressed three fingers into her. She yelled out your name. You kissed the bottom of her jaw as she looked up.

"Are you feeling good Lena?" you asked. She nodded. You pulled her closer to you as she started to get louder.

"C-close," she whispered. You started going faster, her hands gripped your shoulders.

You felt a gush of liquid on your hand. Your other hand goes to her back. Leaning your head on her chest, you feel her heart beat.

Smiling you pulled your hand from between her legs and looked up at her. You put your hand towards your mouth and lick the cum off of your fingers.

"You know you could of just told me how you felt," you said. Lena giggled at you and unwrapped her legs from your waist. She stumbled getting out of the shower.

You watched her go when you realized your clothes are wet.

"Damn it Oxton," you shouted. You hear a laugh and you shook your head before taking your clothes off.

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