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"Hey Guys," You call out to Lucio and Hana. Lucio smiles and waves, while Hana nods and continues to play her game.

"You guys seen Angela, anywhere? she wasn't in her room," you ask as you sit on the armrest next to the couch. Hana growls, probably at the game. The musician shakes his head."No haven't seen her,"

The t.v becomes black and a purple calaverla pop on screen. Words pop up on the screen spelling out.'She's in the lab,'

"OLIVIA WHAT THE HELL," Hana yells throwing her hands up, flinging her controller somewhere. Gabriel peeks his head around the corner."Language,"He says and retreats. Hana starts yelling into her mic.

You laugh and thank Olivia and head towards the lab, as you head away you hear Lucio and Hana talking,"I know,Olivia,". You wonder who their talking about.

Making your way to the lab, you pass Satya and Brigitte, waving to the girls as you pass. You also pass a pissed looking Torbjorn behind a corner. Patting his head you make it to Angela's lab.

Nearing her lab, you hear the machines and lab things going in there. Then there is a crash. Scared for your girlfriend you burst in the room.

But what you see is horrible, Angela and Moria.

They stopped what they were doing and looked at you. You can't feel anything. Running out of the lab, you hear your name being shouted. But you pay no attention to it.

You keep running until you bump into a hard chest. Falling back you see that you have ran into Gabriel. Your Uncle. He sees your tears and pulls you into a hug. Gabriel guides you to the couch. You see Hana, Lucio and some other agents giving you apologetic looks.

Your uncle pats your back. You hold on to him for dear life. Fareeha sits next to you and joins the hug. She whispers sweet nothings into your ear.

The hug was cozy, it made you feel warm. So warm that you feel yourself drifting to sleep. A body picks you up and carries you to a room.

One hour later

The sounds of wheels and giggles wakes you up. Looking around the room, you see posters and empty mountain dew cans. In a corner is a mini fridge. This is Hana's room.

Coughing grabs the trio's attention. Lena,Hana, and Lucio all turn their heads towards you. Lena gives you a hug before blinking out of the room. Sitting up you rub your eyes. There is an awkward silence.

"You sleep well, y/n?" Lucio asks. You nod and look up at the ceiling. Nothing g feels right anymore. Of course Angela got tired of you, why wouldn't she? Your just so--

"Nope don't say it, don't even think it," Hana says a in commanding voice. She stands up and sits next to you. She places her arma around you.

"Y/n, you are perfect. You matter. If not to Angela then to other people. If she cheated on you, then she doesn't deserve you. Someone out there will love you to all of their abilities. Don't ever think your not perfect. You're beautiful and perfect. If you can't see it then..." Hana stops and looks at the door.

She glares at Angela, who is looking at you. Lucio looks at Hana and they both stand up. Lucio gently guides Angela out of the room. Hana slams the door.

Lucio pov(my boi)

"What the hell are you doing?" Hana hisses. Angela keeps looking towards the door.

"Angela, that's not the best idea right now," I offer gently. She nods and looks back to Hana."Ok then, please take better care of her then I did Hana," And she walks off.

I let out a huge sigh and enter the room. Hana behind me.

Y/n is sitting on the bed. Face confused."Hana, what did Angela mean?" She asks. Laughing I pat the red gamer on the back."I'll leave that to you," I laugh and exit the room, in search of Akande.

Back to 2nd

Hana's face is bright red. 'Its kinda cute,' you think. Hana closes the door and stands in front of you. You wait patiently for her to speak. She coughs and sits in her gaming chair.

"Well you see,before you and Angela went out. I had this huge thing for you. Like I wanted to hold you when you cry. Make sure your late for a mission in the morning. Etc. But the day I was gonna ask you out, you wanted my help to help you ask Angela out. So I waited," She lets out the huge breathe she had in out.

You process this information. Hana liked you? Before Angela and you, Hana was the one you wanted. But you always thought she and Olivia were a thing. But not now. A smiles makes it way on your face.

Standing up, you grab her chair and pull it closer. The korean girl exclaims loudly.

"Ok," you say. A look of confusion passes her face. You lean closer to her.

"I'll go out with you, Hana Song," Your smile grows brighter as you see a smile come to hers. She laughs and leans back in her chair.

"Really?" She asks. You grab her hand and hold it and nod."But lets go slow alright?" She nods happily and you think this could work.

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