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You sat on the couch watching a telenova. A old one that you watched with your family as a child. This one was about Rosa having her quince but her Mama, Julia is being bossy about it. And young Rosa wasn't having it.

Also the main story plot is that Rosa was having boy troubles. This is how most of these telenovas play out.

But it also got you thinking. Olivia was only a child when the crisis struck and her family died. Did she have a quincera when she turned 15?

Grabbi g your phone you look at the calender. December 21. That's in three days. She gonna be turning thirty. Ok so not nessesarly a quiencera but a trincera.

Olivia is on a mission and she won't be back for a couple of days. You could plan it on paper, and talk to the people she would least expect.

You know just the people. Turing the t.v off you get to work.

The next day

"Alright thanks Mako, and make sure he doesn't eat the cake,"

The man nods and takes the cake back to his room. Jamison scoffs and walks beside him.

Checking that off the list, you start to head towards the engineer shop. Entering it you see Torbjorn working on the fog machine. Bastion is sitting near Torbjorn and watching him.

"Hey Torb, is the machine almost done?" you ask the man. He grunts and you check the box.

"I'm guessing that's a yes," you say and he grunts again."Whät dö yöü thïnk?" you roll your eyes and wave to the omnic, walking out of the room.

Looking at your list, everything looks ready, now you have to grab the dress for Olivia from Satya.

" Ok now I will head over to Satay and see if she have that dress done,"

"¿Por qué ir a su habitación cuando podemos ir a la mía,"*

Hands come around your waist and you lean back into her arms. You realize that it was Olivia and quickly turn around the clipboard behind your back.

"Welcome back, mí vida, but as much as I would like that suggest. I'm going to have to pass"

She sighs sadly and you lean and kiss her. She kisses back and smiles. Breacking the kiss, Olivia tilts her head.

"Alright, I will see you tonight, don't wait up,"

Walking away from your girlfriend, you look at your clipboard. Nodding you head to Satya's room.

Knocking on her door in a certain pattern, the woman opens up. She nods and stands back so you could walk in.

She closes the door, and you stare at the beautiful dress that she made.

She closes the door, and you stare at the beautiful dress that she made

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"Wow Satya its beautiful, thank you so much," you compliment her. She nods and takes the dress and places it in a bag.

"Now gives this to Brigitte and she will now what to do," you instruct her. The woman nods and you leave the room.

You walk to your room and put your clipboard in your top dresser. Exiting the room, you head to the living room of the Overwatch lobby.

Olivia's birthday.

Opening your eyes ,you see that the sun was beginning to rise. Grabbing your pillow, you put it in your spot in her arms.

Walking out of the room, you head to the dropship, which Mako, Jamison, Satya, Amelie, Torbjorn, Zarya, and Bastion were waiting for you. These were the people Olivia would least expect you would be talking to.

"Ok gang, Olivia is gonna wake up at 11:45, and it is now 7. We have a few hours and we will get this party set up," you say and the group nods. The plane lifts off and you head to your area.


Putting the last decoration in place, you step back and look around. This is gonna be great. If she doesn't like this then you don't know.

"Alright, now its time to call everyone and get dressed,"

Calling your Uncle, the man answers, his voice excited."Tío, is she awake yet?" The man pauses and answers you.

"The kitchen isn't purple yet, so no she is not,"He says.

"Ok you guys get dressed and I'll send someone to pick her up"

The man hummed and hung up. The drop ship soon get to the hotel, everyone goes to there rooms to get dressed. You left Olivia's dress in the room. Lets just hope she actually puts it on.

Once everyone is done, you call up the people at Overwatch and send them over to the building. You and your gang got there and the place was packed with the agents. Getting on stage, you tapped the mic, grabbing everyones attention.

"Ok now I'm gonna go get the birthday girl, then we can all get stupid drunk and have fun," Everyone cheered and you hoped of the stage.

Getting into the ship, thepilot was dressed in her outfit looking good. You two make conversation until you get back to base.

Hopping out you face inside and to your room, to see Olivia curled up on the bed, crying. You immediently wrap her in your arms and hold her as her sobs died down.

"Mí Vida are you alright?" You asked once her sobs died. She looked up and snifflied."I thought everyone had abandoned me," You smiled and hugged the girl.

"No chica, We would never," You kissed her forehead and got off the bed. Entering the closet, you pulled out the dress you want her to wear.

"Here put this on, its time to celebrate,"

*Translation: Why go to her room when we can go to mine?

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