Moria x Experiment!Fem!Reader

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Sitting up, you see Moria looking over at a clipboard. You try to talk but your throat is parched. You settle for a cough. She turns around and throws you a water bottle. Catching it, you open it and begin to drink.

When you feel stable enough to talk, you question Moria on what the results are. She smile darkly and explains them.

"Well, altering your DNA, I was able to get you to transform into a monster or even better a demon," Your eyes widened and a smirk paints it way on your face.

"That great love. Can I try it out now?" you ask her excitement in your voice. She shakes her head,you frown."No can do, I canceled all your missions and have them to Amelie until I'm certain it worked,"

You smile."You're worried about me, killing people, How cute," A blush makes it way on her face."Maybe so, now get some rest, we are gonna test it out tomorrow,". You nod and lay back down, falling asleep fast.

She kisses your head and calls a guard into the room. He lifts you up and carries you to Moria's room. He gently places you down and bows to Moria and leaves the room .

Moria changes into her sleepwear and enters the bend with you. You cuddle closer to her. She wraps her arms around you.

You mutter a 'I love you'. She smiles and whispers it back.

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