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You sat next to Zarya, both of you in a abandoned warehouse. You got departed from the team. Talon started to flank which almost got you killed if not for Zarya that had came and rescue you. You have the hugest crush on her. Every since she was a new recruit, you couldn't get her out of your mind.  Now bring alone with her is a bonus.

But she got hurt, nothing serious. Just a bullet to the arm, nothing some stiches couldn't fix. Something Angie taught you awhile back. She also gave you a little first aid kit too. It had bandages and some needles.

Zarya groans as you put the last stitch in. Grabbing the bandages you gently wrap the around her arms. Patting it, you lean back and admire your handywok. Not as great as Angela but its something.

"Thank you Agent L/n," The pink hair woman says, you nod your head and sit next to her. It's quiet before she cuts it.

"You know L/n, I have seen you in battle but I never thought you were one for patching people up,"She looks over at you. "Please call me Y/n," you say, smiling up at her. The woman nods.

"Well Y/n who taught you how to patch people up?" You blush and scratch the back of your head. "Dr.Ziegler taught me, when Overwatch was still around,"

She nods. The silence continue. You feel a breeze pass, and a shiver passes through your body. Zarya takes notice and before you knew it, the woman had an arm around your waist.  Your blush increases as her body heat radiates.

"Are you warm now?"She asks. You nod meekly. The silence falls over you. Looking up at her you see her blushing as well. A thought pops into you head. And temptation comes over your body.

"Well both of us can get warm,"You say. Zarya looks over at you, tilting her head."What do you mean?"she questions. You giggle before crawling into her lap.

"Lets warm up shall we?"you smile before connecting you lips to hers. Her hands automatically come to your hips and she kisses back. You jump inside as she licks your bottom lip.

Opening your mouth, her tongue slips inside your mouth. You moan as she breaks the kiss the makes her way to your neck. You feel a hand, moving around between you scouting back a little you give her hand more to room.

Her hand enters your panties and rubs you. Moaning out loud, you grip her shoulders as she plays with your clit. Flicking it cause you to groan, you feel her other hand push your shirt and bra up. Her hand playing with giving you a great pleasure.

You grab her cheeks and kiss her. You moan into her mouth as she enters two fingers into you. You grind on Zarya's fingers and take your shirt off. Reaching behind you, you quickly take off your bra.

Grabbing the back of her hand, you force her head towards your breast. Moaning as she takes a nipple into her mouth. You rub her hair as she sucks.

"Z-Zarya more," you manage to moan out, she bites down gently before increasing her movements. You grip her shoulders as she adds another finger in and her pace doubles.

"Almost there?"She asks. Nodding you feel her switch nipples and she brings her other hand to play with the other one. Your upcoming climax is coming on quickly. She brings her lips back to your neck and starts leaving little hickeys before she goes back to your nipple.

"Fuck,"you curse as you feel your orgasm nearing. Zarya connects your lips.

"Come for me, Y/n,"

Throwing your head back, you cry out as you come undone on her. You lay your head on her shoulder, as you get your breathing under control. Her hand was still rubbing you, as you drift off to sleep.

"Goodnight, little bear,"

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