The Witch

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You waited in the cell for what felt like years. You prayed for Jesse to find you but that prayer seemed to be bouncing off of the wall.

Your hope was fading.

Soon enough Sombra came down the stairs, along with an floating robot. In his hands were some clothes.

"Hey Y/n this zomnic is gonna help you get cleaned for the Witch," She said, opening the cell.

You saw the robot come into the cell and reach a hand out at you. Taking it you stood up and it lead you to a huge room. It closed the door leaving the clothes in the bathroom with you. A plate of food was waiting for you on the table next to the bed.

Limping to the bathroom, you saw yourself in the mirror. Damn how long have you been here? Your face has bags under your eyes, and you looked like you've lost a lot of weight.

Stripping yourself of your clothes you turned the shower on and cleaned yourself.


Satya was back and was talking to Sombra as you walked into the living room with the omnic. They both turned head and smirked at you, causing a blush to rise on your face.

"Wow, chica, you know if the Witch doesn't want you, I most certainly will,"She purred looking you up and down. Satya smacked the back of her head, making her chuckle.

"Olivia you know Angie won't like us talking to her new pet," Satya said. The woman nodded and rubbed her head. You widened your eyes. Pet?

"That is very true,"A voice came from behind them. All heads turned to see a blonde woman standing there with a tall man next to her and a armored woman.

"Angela great to see you," Satya said and walked over to her. The woman hugged and broke apart.

Angela looked over at you before walking over and rubbing your cheek.

"Beautiful," She whispered.

Soon a man with a chain on and panted, Jamison walked over to him grabbing his chain."What is it, Lucio?"

"Junkerstien master, the hunters are here,"

Your face brightened at the words. Jesse has come to recuse you. The other people in the room looked at each other.

"Well it looks like the start of a battle," Angela said opening her book.  You paled at the words. They could kill your friend.

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