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You gritted your teeth watching the two woman talk. The Lindolm girl was flirting with your Omega, Hana Song.  You and her are not really mated, but you both have done things with each other. And Alphas are very protective of their property.

That red head thinks she can take your woman, she's got another thing coming.

"Agent Y/n," Jack's voice makes you turn to him, the anger still stepping out of you. He shook his head at you, Jack is a mated Omega so your scary Alpha pheromones do nothing to him. Crossing your arms, you sighed and tried to focus on other things. Like what your doing.

It was physical time for everyone in the base. Everyone needed their shots and get check ups. The check ups came before the annual sparring matches. All agents had to participate.

Running a hand through your hair you stopped midway and growled. You smelled a pheremone that only Alphas can pump out and it tells other Alphas to stay back cause they may have a potenital mate. And guess who was pumping it out? The fucking rehead.

Paying attention to Jack he started calling an agent to fight against another.

"Agent Brigitte Lindholm, please come down here," He said looking over at the younger Alpha. She smiled back at Hana and it made your blood boil. Gripping your thigh, you prayed Jack would call your name next.

"Let me get Agent Y/n L/n," he called. Sighing in relief, you ran to the mat. The red head nodded towards you and smiled, you nodded back.

Jack got off the mat and you saw the girl get into a fighting position. Cracking your knuckles, you rolled your shoulders.

"And go," The man shouted. As go came out of his mouth, Brigitte ran towards you fist aiming towards your face. Dodging it you go on defenses.

'I'll teach this little Alpha, who's  boss,' you thought as her leg came up to your stomach. Groaning you back away to the edge of the mat.

The younger woman ran towards you and you slipped under her arm, a leg going under her and making her trip. She falls on her back, groaning. You look over at Jack who is looking over at Brigitte, he pointed at her and you turned around.

Her fist connected with your face, making you bite your tongue. Spitting the blood on the mat, you see the woman looking over at Hana making you even more angry.

Looking over at Hana, you saw she was smiling at the red head. She them turned towards you and widened her eyes. She could see your rage, your eyes were a flaming red.

Brigitte looked over at you and gasped, but quickly recovered.  She ran towards you and started swinging. Growling you let your alpha pheremones pump out tellinghed to submit before something bad happeneds.

All the unmated Alphas, Omegas, and Betas smelled it. Some of them whimpered and others exposed their necks. But not this girl, she kept going.

The red heas woman still kept throwing punches. Sighing internally, you took a stand and your fist came in contact with her stomach, making her stop.

Your leg came up and hit the side of her face, she stepped back. Your pheremones are stronger now, growling you run towards her and kept throwing punches.

They all were solid hits, as she fell down you saw red. Getting on top of her, your fist came in contact with her face multiple times. You were so blinded by rage, that your rage took over and other agents were crying at you to stop. You didn't hear them, you felt the blood on your hands as you kept striking.

The Alpha in you was howling, happy that we are getting rid of competition. It started smirking as you grabbed her thoart and startes squeezing.

A hand on your neck made you lossen your grip. You growled when you smelled the alpha scent, it was trying to take your kill.

A deeper growl made you gasp. Growling back you tried to get away from the grasp. The grip on your neck tightened, and the growl went deeper. You whimpered and the grip felt familiar. Realizing you weren't gonna get out of it, you submitted to the hold.

"Get off of the girl, pup," A deep voice told you. You swallowed and stood up.The grip lossened and dragged you away from the girl. He let go and you turned towards him."Tío," you panted.

Gabriel sighed and wrapped you in a hug. You sighed and felt your anger subside as you leaned into his chest.

"Gäbrïël yöü nëëd tö cöntröl thät püp, ïf shë wäsn't sö öüt öf cöntröl, my lïttlë gïrl wöüldn't bë blëëdïng lïkë thät," a voice said behind you. Turning around you looked down and saw Torbjorn glading up at you. Clenching your fist, you took a step towards the small man.

Gabriel hand pushes you back, and his growl reaches your ear."Leave my pup alone you scum, your daughter did something to provoke her,"

The Alpha growls at the small Omega who is glaring at him. Reinhardt comes and stands next to Torbjorn. The men begin to argue. You felt your patience running thin. Tapping your foot, you cross your arms.

Rolling your shoulders, you lick your lips. Opening your mouth and roar and the men stop arguing, looking at you.

"Look if your dajghter wasn't near my Omega, I wouldn't have beaten her to a pulp," you said challenging the other Alpha.

A cough makes its way to the group. All heads turn and you see Brigitte begin escorted out with Angela and Fareeha. Hana was with them. You felt a growl bubbling up.

"Y/n you know that killing someone over an Omega is not right," Reinhardt said, his hand on your head. Sagging your shoulders, you nod.

"Now why don't you go to Angela and she could patch you up," Gabriel said, earning a gasp from the other men. He pushed your back and you went to the infirmary.

Getting their you knock on the door, opening it you saw a angry Fareeha. She growls at you, you shrug her off." You act like you wouldn't have done the same to someone who was talking to Angie," You said looking into her eyes. Pushing through you saw Angela patching Brigitte up. Fareeha turned around and faced you." Yeah, I would but at least she is my mate, not some fuck buddy,"

"So she shouldn't have been near Hana, I was the only person who can touch her, she is gonna be my mate," you growled. Brigitte licks her lips and opened her mouth.

"She is a perfect Omega for you, Y/n," the girl said. You looked at her eyes widened.  You nod thanking her."I'm sorry for being near her, just so you know, I only like Hana as a friend and I am more interested in Satya,"

"I'm sorry too for beating you up, my Alpha got really protective and maybe we can move away from this and be friends," You said, smiling at the girl. She smiled and nodded.

Nodding back you sat in a chair. Looking out the window, you saw the sunset. It was beautiful, the red sky turning to purple was a sighing to see.

Hana's scent makes you turn towards the door. She comes in and has a cup of water in her hand. She widened her eyes when she saw you. Making eye contact with her, you turn towards the window.

She scoffs and makes her way towards you. She grabs your chin and forces you to face her. You growled at her and she growled back."Come outside with me," She growled.  You stood up and followed her.

Getting away from the infirmary, and heading towards her room. Getting into her room, Hana stands infront of you arms crossed."I'm suddenly your Omega?" She asked. You nodded.

"Hana, I'm a Alpha, I'm gonna be protective, competietive, and jealous," You told her, she sighed and leaned closer to you.

"You almost killed a girl because you got jealous of how close she was to me?" She asked, you could feel her breath near you. You nodded again.

She smirks and places her hands on your arms.

"That's kinda hot," she whispered before connecting her lips to your in a passionate kiss.

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