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Sitting down next to the woman you smirk."How is my beautiful goddess doing on these wonderful day?" She rolled her eyes but kept them on the book she was reading. You gulp and place the weapons on the table in front of you. The pistols were stolen from Vishkar, just like Lucio but you never altered it. Just repainted it.

Her eyes go directly to pistols. Satya places the book down and glared at you. You quickly avert your gaze to somewhere else in the base.

Her hand grabbed your ear and forces you closer to her.

"Agent L/n what happened?" She said, venom dripping from her tone. You chuckled nervously andbtried to explain."Well you see I thought it was a good idea to do what Reaper does and throw my guns down, thinking they would magically come back and they didn't,"

You heard her sigh and let go of your ear. She grabbed the pistols and stood up."Follow me,"

You followed her. Walking to her room, you passed the vending machine in the hallway. Grabbing a drink you caught up to her.

Entering her room, you spotted her sitting down at a desk and getting to work. An extra chair was there next to her, sitting down you opened the can.

"I gotta ask something," You started. She nodded her head never looking up."What was that interaction during the Dorado mission?" You asked. She didn't stop fixing the gun. You cough and take a sip."Elaborate,"

"You and Lucio were talking about Vishkar, and his Dad was a Vishkar employee. And you got mad?" You said.

"Mr. Santos was a valuble employee to Vishkar, he created the sonic technology, the younger Santos stole it from Vishkar, thinking it belonged to him"

You nodded and watched her hands."It was his father's creation,"

She glared at you and you put your hands up. Her eyes travel back to the pistol. After she was done with one she placed it to the side.

"So, have you seen Jesse and Hanzo, they are getting pretty close," you said. She nodded her head."I have seen them together,"

You smiled trying to hold in your excitement." Really you gotta tell me, where?". The woman comtinied to talk."On the roof, The cowboy was talking to Hanzo about something. The archer laughed at it and you could see the cowboy's blush," She said not looking up. Whislting you raised a eyebrow." Thats not a very secluded area," She added.

Laughing, you crushed the empty soda can."That's some hot gos," She shook her head.

"Not really,"

You grinned."Not one for gossip are you, Ms.Vaswini?"

"Please call me Satya,"She offered. You nodded."Likewise call me Y/n," She smiled and handed the second pistol to you.

"I fix other problems that were there. These were prototype weapons and I finished them So there shouldn't be anymore problems,"

You smiled and stood up, grabbing the other pistol. You twirled them on your fingers and placed them in their respected pockets.

"Thank you Satya,"

She cleared her throat and stood up."If I may, can I accompany you to the trainging grounds?" You smiled and nodded. A blush formed on her face as you both walked out of her room.

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