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Limping through the alleyway, Y/n could hear gunshots coming from behind her. She sat down and looked at her leg. Exactly six shots lodge their way into her leg. It hurt like hell.

Not to mention the shot in her stomach. Reaching up, she pressed her ear piece.

"Team,I'm wounded," Y/n chuckled out. Moira's voice came through."Y/n where a-" Before she could get her sentence out, Olivia cut her off."Hermana, Where are you?" Her voice covered by gunshots and shouting.

Looking at the other end of the alleyway Y/n saw a blurs of blue running past."I think I'm in a alleyway near the defense side,"She informed her teammates.

"Don't worry I'm coming to get you,"Olivia said grunting. Y/n nodded and leaned her head back. Her breathing slowing down. A voice called out to her. She looked at its source.

"You wouldn't shoot a wounded enemy, would you Lena?"Y/n smirked weakly at the woman. She had her gun pointing at your head. Looking Lena in her  brown eyes, Y/n's soften.  Her eyes brimmed with betrayal, anger. One emotion stood out to her


A feeling of shame overwhelmed the talon operative.

"Lena,I-"She coughed, looking at her hand she gasped. Blood painted across it. Glancing up back at Lena, her gun dropping and she got down on one knee. Her eyes filled with concern.

"Y/n!"Olivia shouted. Lena stood up and pointed her pistol at Olivia and vice versa. They glared at each other. Y/n's coughing brought them to her side.

They looked down at Y/n, tears threatening to fall down." I'm not gonna make it," She smiled, blood leaking out of her mouth. The girls look at each other."We have to Bring her to Mercy, she'll know what to do,"Lena informed her enemy.

Olivia nodded and they proceed to lift her up and walked to the end of the alley. Lena called into her earpiece."Angela, are you near me?" She said. Y/n grunted when Lena moved.

Olivia whispered in Y/n's ear."Don't die on us,Y/n,".Y/n opened her eyes and saw Angela standing in front of her."Angie,"Y/n whispered. Y/n felt a warm feeling on her body, but it soon felt cold. She looked up at her old friends, tears are coming out of her eyes.

The battle has come to a stop. Everyone is looking at Y/n. Their dear friend. Moira ran over and tried to help too. But nothing is working.

Lena kneeled down and hugged her. Y/n smiled out at the girl and hugged her back. She could feel the tears soaking her shirt."I'm sorry Lena," She whispered in her ear. Y/n pulled back and brought the girl in for a kiss.

Gasping,Lena kissed back. Her arms holding on for dear life. Y/n felt a hand on her shoulder and broke the kiss. She leaned back and closed her eyes."I love you Lena,"She whispered.

Y/n opened her eyes and say Her Mother and Father standing above her. She smiled and let them take her.

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