The Black Forest

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Disclaimer: May have some violent parts. If you dont like it dont read it.

"Damnnit,"Angela cursed, before running off.  She got pulled away from her team. This mission was going to be a fail anyway. Angela took her pistol out and shot a Talon trooper dead. She called into her mic.

"Guys, I need help-," She said before tripping on the root of a tree. The mic fell out and smashed against the tree. Gasping she felt her ankle start to hurt. Curseing herself, she knew she broke it. She scrambled to get up but a foot steps on her ankle. She screamed out and turned around.

"Dr. Ziegler, You can come with us dead or alive, your choice," A male voice called. She glared at the man and seethed her teeth.

"Fuck you," She spat. A gun was pointed at her face."Do you wanna say that again," He shouted, stepping harder on her ankle. She screamed out that caused a rustling in the woods near them. The other two troppers heads turned towards the direction.

"Check what that is, if it is a person kill them," He instructed. They nodded and walked towards the bush. One moved his gun in the bush and pushed it back. He saw nothing. He looked over at the other and shrugged.

"D-D-Dude," The other tropper said pointing up. He looked up and saw a huge wolf with huge teeth. It growled before stepping over the bush and sniffing the air. It bit at the man and grabbed his head. Snapping his head it threw him over it's shoulder before stepping over to the other trooper. He stood shocked in fear as the creature came near him he screamed as the beast picked him up. He started crying as the creature sniffed him and growled. He wasn't suppose to end like this. The creature snapped his body, killing him instantly.

Angela could hear his screams she gasped as the snap was heard throughout the forest. The man before her pulled his gun away from her head in shook. He ran over to the creature and started shooting at it.

The creature pulled back and threw the dead man's body at him. He rolled out the way, his magazine emptied.

"Fuck," He mutter before threw the gun at the creatures head. It looked at gmhim before growling at him. It ran at him before slamming him on the ground, breaking his back. Angela saw it all and widened her eyes as the man reached out to her.

"Help," He said before the creature reached down and bit his head off. Angela covered her mouth as the creature spit the man's head out. It looked over at Anglea and started walking over to her, its footstep echoing. Angela backed up into tree. Her tears still streaming down her face.

It stood in front of her and looked down at her. Angela gapsed and watched as the creature transformed into a beautiful woman.  She quickly got to her knees , Angela watched the woman take her boot off and examine her foot.

The woman said something under her breath before a blue fire came out from  and wrapped itself around her foot. It was warm and Angela felt the pain disappear. She gasped and the woman looked up at her. Her eyes were a amber before she closed them and opened them again, returning them to their original e/c.

"Are you alright?" The woman asked, her eyes concerned. Her voice was very lovely. Angela nodded and tried to get up. Sucking her teeth, she fell back down. The woman chuckled before holding her hand out.

"The pain may still be there, but it will only last for a few minutes before the pain will stop," She explained. Angela nodded and tried to get up. The woman held out her hand."Here let me help you,"

Angela blushed and grabbed her hand. It was surprisingly soft and very warm. The woman pulled Angela up and she came crashing into her body. Her hand reached out and touched her abdomen. Holy shit was this woman ripped.

The woman laughed and Anglea felt her face heat up more. Anglea gave her some personal space before gasping. She remembered her broken ankle. The woman caught her and picked her up, bridal style.

Angela blushed and got a closer a closer look to the woman's face. Her face had a long scar going across her left eye. Angela subconsciously reached up and touched it.

"How did you get this?" Angela asked. The woman sighed."In a fight for the Black Forest," She said. Angela raised an eyebrow."For the black, as in you fought in it honor or you fought to have it,"

"The latter,"

Angela nodded and the woman put her down. She noticed that they were at the edge of the forest. Angela blushed and looked up at her.

"What is your name?" Angela asked, holding her arm.


Angela smiled and nodde her head"Thank you for rescuing me, Y/n," Y/n smiled and kissed her forehead making her blush.

"You never came into the forest,"

The woman put her hand on her head and the world became black.

"Angela, wake up,"

Angela opened her eyes and saw Lena and Soilder 76.

"Dr.Ziegler are you okay?" Jack asked his mask off. Angela groaned and sat up nodding. She looked around she was in the ship.

"What happened?" She asked. Jack and Lena looked at each other. Lena nodded and Jack sighed.

"We heard a loud roar and some screams, so we rushed over there when we realized you disappeared and found a huge beast standing over you it looked at us before running back into the forest," Jack explained. Angela nodded and a face came into her head. She gasped and grabbed her ankle. It suddenly started to hurt.

Lena widened her eyes and looked panic."Doc ,are you okay?" she paniced and moved her hands. Angela placed a hand up to silence her.

"I'm fine Lena,"

She looked over at the members."I would like some alone time if that is okay," They nodded before exiting the room.

Angela quickly got up and raced to her computer. She searched up the black forest. She widened her eyes at a headline.

Don't Venture into the Black Forest, something in there will never let you leave.

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