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Getting in the airship, Y/n sat next to Angela. The doctor smiled at her. She smiled back. A little exchange while they waited for  the other two agents.

"Hey sorry I'm late," the brunette girl or Lena called out running into the ship.

She waved to the h/c woman and sat on the other side of Angela. Now all they had to do was wait for Jesse who is strangely late. Another five minutes pass and Y/n got up.

"I'll call him,"She said and hoped out of the ship. Muttering under her breath, she pulled her phone out and dialed his number. After the third ring, Jesse's groggily voice answers.

"Hello," He answered.

"Mccree where the hell are you?"  She growled. His voice turned to a chuckle."Right behind you Probie,"

Turning around, Y/n walked over to the man and punched his shoulder. He chuckled and they both walked into the ship. Sitting next to each other on the opposite side of the Overwatch agents.

The ship took off. McCree reached in his pocket and got out three ear pieces. He handed one to her and passed them to the other two agents.

"We will talk through these," He explained. She places the ear piece in and turned it on.

When Jesse finished, Angela goes by the mission again."Talon forces have taken some very important omnics in  Paris, France and we have to save them. We have to infiltrate the building their stored in and save the hostages." She explained to the team.

The rest of the ship went smoothly. Mccree and Y/n were the only ones talking. The Overwatch agents sometimes joined in.

The OverWatch pilot called back to them."Alright we're coming up on the hill, get ready to drop."Getting thier weapons ready, the ship land,opening the door, Y/n and McCree got off first.

Y/n spotted two Talon troopers, holding a hand to the Overwatch girls. She looked at McCree and they went up behind the troopers. Y/n grabbed the trooper's head and slammed his head into a nearby tree. A chuckle is thrown her way.

Looking over at McCree he lighted a cigar. She raised a eyebrow at him. He shook his head, dismissing her."Come on Ladies," She said. A few seconds later the Overwatch agents pops up.

"To get in, we need a key card,"Angela looked over at the unconscious troops."Since no one can know Blackwatch is here, you two put their outfits on."She pointed to the Blackwatch agents. They smirked and got undressed. The Overwatch agents blushed when they saw Y/n's body. Angela turned around, Lena kept staring. Angela grabbed the Cadet and turned her around.

After a few the agents were done."Alrighty y'all can turn around,"McCree said, dusting his original clothes off. They both throw them over the cliff. He had his helmet to the ground. Y/n had already put her helmet on and is looking towards the building.

"C'mon we have to get in that building," Y/n said and started walking down the hill. Getting to the door, she used the key card. The door opened right away. Lena and Angela give McCree their weapons to make it look like a hostage situation. 

Passing some troops all they did was nod. To them nothing out of the ordinary. But they couldn't find the hostages. Y/n walked over to one trooper.

"Do you know where the hostages are? We need to put these Overwatch agents there," She asked pointing over her shoulders.

"Yea, I'll take you," The trooper said and he walked with the group to the hostage room. Getting there he nodded to Y/n and headed back to his station. Y/n knocked on the door , a trooper opened and looked at them.

"We need to come in, Boss wanted us to put these Overwatch agents in with them,"Y/n explained to him. He nodded and opened the door all the way.

Escorting the Overwatch agents in, Y/n looked at the other hostages. All omnics. McCree bumped her shoulder. He nodded over to the trooper who was has taken his helmet off.

He was drunk and looking over at Lena and Angela. Y/n gritted her teeth but didn't say anything. The drink man walked over to Lena who had her hands tied behind her back.

He squatted down and grabbed her chim."Hehe nice beauty, maybe I could take her for a spin," He slurred. Walking over to the man, Y/n hit him in the head with the butt of her gun. Knocking him unconscious. She took her helmet off and looked over at McCree who placed the weapons he had down, and started a breach on wall behind them.

"Thank you, Agent L/n,"Lena said looking up at her. The Blackwatch agent looked over at her and smiled."It's no problem, I just hate seeing guys like that,"

She then puts her helmet on and walked outside the door. Troops passed but none said a word to her. Good."McCree status update," She said after the troop passed."Breach should be ready in a few minutes, call the pilot," He informed.

She nodded at a trooper who is walking passed her. He stopped looking her over."Let me in," He said. Y/n nodded and opened the door. As the troop walked in she grabbed his head and twisted it. Throwing him in the corner with the other guy.

"Overwatch pilot are you there yet?" She asked looking at the breach."I am here alright, right corner of the back of the building. She looked at McCree who was taking the ties off of the hostages.

"Ok we will soon be headed your way," She said. The breach was almost done. Going to the door she locked it. The breach finishes and no sound comes out of it. Silent breach.

Escorting the hostages around the building, they get to the ship. McCree and Y/n take their helmets off. He laughed as the door closed and patted Y/n's back."Nice work Probies," He smiled. Y/n shook her head smiling at the man. Lena sat next to her looking down.

Y/n placed a hand on her knee."You ok Cadet?" She asked. The girl looked up at her and blushed. She nodded frantically. Y/n looked over at her and turned her head. She began talking to McCree.

Her hand never left Lena knee.

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