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You walked next to Olivia your roommate who had her phone and was watching that Korean girl's stream. The apartment needed some milk and other stuff. You brought her along to show her what to buy, she has habits of getting the wrong thing. Plus it was right down the street.

Leaning over you took a peak. The girl was talking about her secret girlfriend, her hands moving in exaggerating motions. You look over at Olivia's face, snorting you look away.

"This was when she told her fans about me," She gushes you snicker putting your hands in your hoddie. It was black, as you do, and said Not Straight? No problem. The sleeves were ripped courtesy of Olivia who said " Its too hot for you to be wearing that I feel like I'm getting a heat stroke just by looking at you,"

Entering the store, you both head over to the dairy section, guiding Olivia, so she won't hit people or other things. Opening a glass door, you grab the 2% percent milk. Looking over at your roommate, you sigh, she still had her phone in her hand.

Yanking it out of her hand, you turn it off and place it in your pocket.

"Hey, what the hell Y/n?"She hisses at you, you roll your eyes and put the milk in her hands. She looks down at it, then up at you."What the fuck am I suppose to do with this?

You growl and thump her head."I'm showing you what kind of Milk you should be buying, smartass," You say, closing the glass door. She glares at you and you glare back. Your intense stares went on until a french accented voice cut in.

"Can you two take your childness elsewhere and move, I need to buy some milk," The voice broke you and the Mexicana from your glares. You both turn to the voice and you felt your heart fly away.

The woman standing infront of you was beauitful. Even with her steely gaze on you, you felt your chest beat faster to a limit that doesn't exist. Her long raven hair flowing doen her back, her beautiful skin glowing under the lights of a supermarket. The light seem to glisten around her, making a angelic glow around her body.The way she held herself with such confidence made you want to give this woman children.

"Well, Lady you can grab that milk and shove it-"You quickly grab your friend and place your hand over her mouth shutting her up. She squirms and trys to move your hand.

Smiling sheepishly at the woman, you step aside for her dragging Olivia with you. The woman nods before grabbing her milk and walking away. Olivia looks up at you, then back at the woman.

As soon as you take your hand away, your roommate calls out to the woman.


You didn't know what to do, but pray that the woman doesn't turn. Grabbing Olivia again, you glare at her and think about banging her head against the doors. Turning her towards you, you smush her cheeks.

"What the hell is wrong with you?"

"I was helping you out, amiga,"

You hiss at her until, heels were heard and you saw the woman standing next to you. Olivia wiggled out of your grasp before taking her phone and the list and walking off.

You were too busy tryibg not to look the woman up and down. Lookibg at her face, you swallow your pride and talk to the woman.

"Listen ma'am,I'm really sorry for my friends behaviour,"You apologize, the woman's deadpan face turns into a smirk. She leans in closer to you, grabs your chin, before leaving a kiss on the side of your lip. You dont know what happened after that but you woke up back in you apartment, with Olivia laughing at you. You groan before throwing a pillow at her.

Olivia's laughing ceases before her voice cuts in again."She wanted to give you this," A piece of paper falls into your vision and you scramble you grab it.

The paper contains the lady's nsme which is Amelie, her number, a nice blue lipstick mark, and the words

Ma belle collation

My beautiful snack.

Real talk Widowmaker is a thicc snacc.

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