Gotta ask for help

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You ran behind a wall as omnics started firing at you. Looking around, you tried and find an exit. Not finding one,you cursed.

Tapping your communication you heard static before it went blank. Taking it out of your ear, you threw it on the ground before stepping on it.

Hearing heavy footsteps, you grabbed your pistols getting ready for the machine to come back. As the footsteps got closer you counted down.



You saw a metal foot before hopping around the corner and aiming at the head of A Meka?


"A Talon agent!" The voice came from inside the mech. You sighed in pain. A bullet from earlier entered your stomach.

"Are you alright?" The voice asked. You nodded before hearing footsteps from behind you. Grabbing a pistol you shot at the robot that turned the corner.

"Nice shot,"The girl complimented. You nodded before walking around her. You heard the feet of the robot turn around, following you.

You stopped before turning and  looking at her."Why are you following me?"You growled.

Her voice laced with concern."Because your injured we need to find you a medic from either side," You sighed but continued walking. Rolling your eyes as the mech footsteps followed.

About a minute later

You both were surrounded by omnics, grabbing your pistols you got ready. The mech pilot started shooting and you followed suit.

One of those machines managed to hit you in your injury. Groaning outloud, you kicked it before shooting at it.

"Do you want me to carry you?"She asked. Growling you shook your head at her.Wiping the sweat off your head, you dredged on.

It was about five minutes later before you saw your vision get blurry and you fell to the ground. The mecha pilot above you shouting at you to stay awake.

Closing your eyes you accepted the sweet darkness.

A bright light made you open your eyes, blinking you saw a blue ceiling above you. Groaning you sat up, a blonde woman came to your view. She was facing away from you.  You already knew who it was.

"Angela,"You said, looking at the woman. Angela quickly turned around before smiling at you."Ah Y/n your awake,"Nodding your head, you made a move to get out of the bed. You groaned as your moved.

Angela quickly came to your side.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you,"She said, you glared at her before laying back down."Your wounds have been stitched but they haven't recovered yet, So it may hurt to move,"

You sighed and closed your eyes, Gave is gonna kill you when you get back."Angela, I have to go, I can't be seen in an Overwatch facilitie, they might kill me,"You told her.

Angela hummed before walking over to the door. You opened one eye to see her talking to someone outside the door. Two familiar voices made you shoot up. That Meka pilot from before and an old friend.

Angela sighed before stepping back and letting the two in. Waving to them, you fixed the pillow from behind you.

"Fareeha," you said as the woman eyed you carefully. You guys were great friends as teens and then the explosion of Overwatch made you desparte, you needed a job. Talon reached out to you, and offered you a job. Which you gladly took, hey money is money even if you kill some rich people to get it.

Then the Meka pilot, why was she even here.  Looking over at her, you blinked. She was very beautiful. Blushing you cough nefore turning your attention back to your old friend.

"So when can I leave or am I captured by Overwatch?"You asked, your voice dripping with sarcasm on the second part. Angela and Fareeha looked at each other before turning back to you.

"Despite the past we have, Overwatch is going to hand you over to Helix security, so they can make sure you don't end up back at Talon,"Fareeha said. Snorting you look up at her, shaking your head.

"That sucks, but I can't do that,"You answered. The Meka agent blinked before raising a eyebrow."What do you mean?" She asked. Turning to her, you deadpanned."It means that you can't just declare that I'm your prisoner, I'm injured,"

Turning back to your old friends."Also once Talon hears that, they will manage to get me out, I'm one of their best," you smugly said crossing your arms.

The room is silent, you know they are processing your words. Fareeha and Angela know you were right.

Fareeha nodded her head before turning around."You are corrrect, we can't but we can keep you here until your body fully heals," She walked towards the door, a smirk on your face as she opened it.

"Hey Amari?" you called out to her. She turned her head around. A glare challenging you to say something." They already know," You said, before laughing until you started coughing. The door slammed before Angela handed you a napkin and took off after Fareeha.

Wiping your mouth you sighed and laid your head down. You then remember there is someone else in the room.

"Do you need something, girl?"you asked her. The girl nooded her head. Sitting back up you looked at her."What then?"

The girl had a brave face on. She opened her mouth before turning around and running out the door. Shrugging you laid down and fell asleep. Might as well heal first,right?

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