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Swishing your tail back and forth you waited for Olivia to come home. She had a extra mission to go one and left after you got back from your job.

You yawn and scratch you ear as the clock struck 1 am. It was getting late and you leaned back on the couch and fell asleep.

Waking up to someone petting your ears. Purring you lean into the touch, your eyes still closed. Olivia chuckles and you open your eyes.

Looking at her you gasp.

On her face was blood. Her hands were bloody and her smile was still on her face. Widening your eyes, you felt tears prick the side of them.

"Olivia?" You ask, your voice breaking. She leans towards you and hugs you. The scent of blood makes your head curl. Tears start to fall as you smell the life draw away from her body.

"Te quiero mucho,"

You sit up and reach out towards her. Shaking your head, you look around for her.  Tears have fallen out of your eyes and are still going.

She still hasn't got back yet. Sighing in relief you look at the time. 1:20 am. The door opens and in walks Olivia, tired and her hair out of place. You could smell the gunsmoke on her.

She smiles at you, but it disappears when she sees your tears.

"Amor, are you alright?" She asks, her voice laced with concern. You wipe the tears away and shake your head. She walks towards you and wraps you in a hug. Petting your ears she whispers sweet nothings into them. Calming down, you sigh and break the hug.

She kisses your forehead. Smiling, she sits next to you. It stays quiet for a few minutes. Her hand comes up and rubs your ear. Purring you lay down in her lap. She knows you don't want to talk about it and lets it go. She continues petting your ears. You stop purring and sit on her lap.

She stays quiet and wraps her arms around your waist. Breaking the silence you tell he rof your nightmare." You came home after the mission and started petting me," You began.

She nodded and let you continue."I woke up and felt blood on my ears and I smelled it on you," You stopped and felt tears start. She wiped them away and brought you into a hug. You couldn't stop the waterworks.

She hummed and let you soak her jacket. You calmed down and leaned back. She tilted her head at you."Are you ok now?" You nod your head.

"Y/n I'm not going anywhere, remember that," Olivia said, her voice laced with love and affection that made you tingly inside. You nodded your head and she kisses your lips." I'm here,"

Her kisses travel down, to your neck, making you groan out. Her hands reach to your pants and unbutton them. Lifting your hips, she slides them off of you. Your hands wrap around her neck as her fingers moved higher, pushing your panties aside and slowly rubbing a finger along your slit, pushing it into you easily.

Olivia fucked you gently with  one finger before adding another.You bit your lip to keep anyone from hearing you, scooting your hips to rock against your girlfriend’s hand.

Olivia pushed her thumb against your’s clit, stimulating the little nub while pumping her fingers in and out of you slick heat. You panted against her shoulder the more she fucked you with her fingers, whimpering now despite your best efforts to keep quiet.

"Don't stay quiet, I want to hear you," She whispered.

"Olivia please," you begged as your fingers clung to her jacket. Olivia could feel your nails pressing through the material and she sped up, met with as gasp and a moan as you shuddered on her fingers, slicking them with you orgasm. You moaned softly in Olivia’s ear, grabbing her cheeks to pull her into a kiss. You sat there motionless for a second before Olivia pulled her fingers out, licking them clean. Olivia leaned in to kiss you helping you calm down.

“You okay?” She asked and you nodded at her question and kissed her again, pulling her in for a hug."Do i feel real?"

You nodded and her hand reached up and start rubbing your ears. Your tails swished behind you, purring you and her to sleep.

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