Jealously isn't your strong suit(Lemon)

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You've been on the phone for hours talking to Fareeha about work. Amelia or Widowmaker was watching from the couch as you sat at the table. Her eyes squinting and glaring. You could feel her glare on your back, smiling you continue to talk to your friend.

"Yeah, after you get into the building cut off the lights, I asked Satya to add some night vision in yours and Lena's headgear,"You instruct into the phone.

You've known Amelia for a long time, so you know when she was coming up from behind you. Hands wrap around your shoulders, Amelia starts to massage your shoulders. It feels good, but that doesn't stop you from talking into the phone.

You nod along to Fareeha. Amelie's hands slide down to your side, making you giggle."Y/n you okay?"Fareeha asks.

"Y-yeah I'm good, continue,"You tell her. Amelie groans silently as she pulls away. You thank her silently, before listening to the woman on the other side of the phone.

It was quiet for a few seconds before you felt something from under the table. Kicking her gently, telling her to move. She grips your thighs and spreads them. You just shake your head, and let her do her thing.

Her hands come up to your waistband, she pats the side of your thigh. Lifting your hips, she slides your shorts down. Going back to your conversation, you nod to her.

"Yeah then you would turn the genera-fuck,"You shout as you fell Amelie's tongue lick at your clit."Y/n is some going on, I can call later," Fareeha says. You shake your head and try to get your breathing under control."N-no I'm fine, just spilled something on me, you lie. Fareeha makes a not convinced noise but continues.

Meanwhile Amelie is still under the table, licking and nibbling. You do your best to keep quiet. You fell her hand come up and enter you. You couldn't stop the noise that comes out. Fareeha stops talking mid-sentence to asks what's wrong.

You go to answer her but the phone is taking out of your hand."Captain Amari don't call for another hour, I'm going to fuck my girlfriend," she says before hanging the phone.


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