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A/n: To begin my time here, let's start with something for the summer.
You sat down on the towel before passing the ice cream to your best friend Olivia 'Sombra' Colomar. Talon sent the team on a mission in Illios, but they failed cause of Overwatch or they didn't care for it.

"Gracias, amiga,"The girl beside you said before she took her spoon and started eating it. Not caring who saw her devour that ice cream.(Me)

You laughed at your friend before taking a sip of lemonade, you mixed it with ice tea.Its good on hot days like this one. You sat the cup down next to you and leaned back on the sand, enjoying the breeze. You went over what everyone was doing. Olivia was hacking and eating ice cream. Amelie was suntanning, god knows why, she not changing any color, Moira was cheering Gabriel at the bmx arena, because he wanted to join.

"L/n!"A deep voice called out, you immediately stood up. Hands at your side, head lifted up, ready for any command by your superior."Yes, sir?"

Akande came over and chuckled. You saw he had a volleyball in his hand, and your eyes lit up. But they went back to his face. He placed a hand up, signalling you to stop. Getting back into a comfortable position, you nodded at your boss.

"Yes, Mr. Ogundimu?"You questioned. He shook his head, his voice gentle."Please call me Akande and I wanted to ask if you would like to play volleyball with me and some agents?"He asked. You nodded quickly and followed him back to the net.

20 minutes later

You jumped at the ball, trying to hit it, but missing it entirely. You watched it soar over people then hit one woman sitting down on her chair. You grimaced as she yelled, before racing over there.

The woman cursed as she held the ball looking around. You gulped as her eyes pierced on you."Uhh, I'm very sorry Miss,"you apologized as you got closer. Getting a closer look, your heart flipped. This woman was gorgeous.

She had beautiful amber eyes that showed the stars, that could pierce men with a stare. Her brown skin that the sun made glow, the way her hair flowed down her back, made your heart jump.

A realization came through your head as you looked at the Overwatch symbol on her towel and the white robotic arm. She was that symmetrical woman in Overwatch. What was her name again? Something Vaswini.

"....even listening to me?" you blinked as you heard her voice speak to you. A dumb expression was on your face as you looked at her.

"Ahh, I'm very sorry, Ms.Vaswini,"you apologized, bowing to her. You wanted to die right there. Your face heated up and the ocean and its creatures were sounding great. "Oh, so you know who I am? Interesting," She whispered, you nodded before glancing over at Akande, he dissapeared.

"Again, I'm very sorry, can I have my ball back?"You asked her politely. The woman smirked at you before handing the ball back to you.

"Well, I can forgive you, don't let it happen again," She lectured and handed you a piece of paper. Looking at it you blushed and nodded your head, bowing to her again."I'm sorry again," you said, before waving to her and running off to Akande.
Laying on the hotel bed, you searched through the channels not finding anything to watch. Settling on a news channel you snuggled up with a pillow.

"In other news, Vishkar is looking to settle in Greece," The news changes to another person joining him, the other person made you quickly jump up in your bed.

It was the same woman from today, you could totally recognize her.

Satya Vaswini

You sighed before laying down. The woman who you saw today and gave her your number was a Vishkar and Overwatch employee.


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