Doki Doki(I love you)

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If picture is too disturbing please tell me and I shall remove it. Enjoy the story. If you suffer from depression and thoughts of self-harm my Dms are always open.
Going over it for a few minutes, you move your mouse to the I love you option. Bracing yourself for what will come.

I love you

Her character model jumps, looking confused."Eh-"

Those are my true feelings

Grabbing a chip, you chomp on it.

So...Theres no way you could like me more than I like you

I should have realized it sooner

But spending time with everyone at the club

"If this boy makes her even more sad I'm breaking this computer,"you thought throwing the bag to the side.

Making friends

And having fun with you everyday

It helped me realize that you are truly the most important person to me.

Wiping a tear from your eye, you nod. He knows what he is doing.

That's why I'll accept any of your burdens

As long as we continue like this everyday..

With you by my side.

You nod and pause the game. Getting up you run to the bathroom. Coming back you quickly grab another bottle and another bag of chips.

Setting down, you continie to play the game.(I skipped the parts because I wanna do her death too.)

Olivia pops up. Her smile looks like a smirk.

Hey you are the first one here

Knowing this part was useless, you skip until a word stood out to you. Hanging. Stopping you go to the history, and look at her dialogue.

You kind of left Lena hanging this morning you know?


Reading her dialougue, your leg beings to bounce up and down.

The player was a dumbass for not getting Lena this morning. He races back to her house and then the screen turns black and it gave you trust issues.

Clicking through the dialougue., the screen goes to Lena's room. There to right of your compter screen was a hanging Lena. Jumping out of your chair when it glitches towards you.

A knock at your door,makes you turn around. Angela, your best friend's girlfriend and your best friend is standing there."Y/n what are you playing?"

"Doki Doki Literature Club," you said eyes glued to the hanging Lena. Tears come to your eyes as you remember a friends who also did the same thing. Angela quickly went to your side.

"Y/n if this game is going to make you remember Lucio, I suggest you stop playing," She stated, her arms arounf your head. You shake it."No, I can't maybe this game will help me cope, the player with have the other members of the club to help him and it will help me too,"

Angela sighed and stood up, holding a hand out to you. Takign it you stand up."Alright, Gabe is going to get here soon, so don't be asleep when he gets here," With that she walked away and closed the door.

Getting back to your seat, you continue playing the game.

A/n: Hey guys, My cuz has an account and It would really be great if you folow her. She likes Doki doki and has a little story over there now. Her name is YourMomLovesMel69 i would go give her a follow. And i have some more story coming up. Remeber to request! Ciao.

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