The Dragon

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You sat down on the ground, catching your breath. MCCree talking over what happened with the demon.

"Your mortal has been returned, Me and my brother are going to leave now,"He said. Jesse grabbed his shoulder, the demon grabbed the hand and pushed it off of him.

"Listen Hunter, touch me again and I will not hesitate to rip it off,"He threaten the man. Jesse gulped as the man showed his fangs.

"R-right sorry Darling,"He said scratchingcthe back of his head. He turned to you."But I have to make sure my partner is okay, do y'all know anyone who can help?"

"Zenyatta can help her,"The other demon came from behind a tree, scaring you. You looked over at him.

"Who?"you asked. He took off the mask he was wearing, showing a scared face. The other demon looked away, guilt in his eyes.

The shorter demon placed a hand on his shoulder, the taller didn't push him away. Jesse sighed depply.

"Tekaharta Zenyatta, an friend of mine, he helped me come to peace with my body,"The demon explained. You nodded standing up.

"But we have to go near the dragon's lair and we can't make any noise,"He explained. You nodded and looked over at Jesse.

"Y/n do you needs of them to carry you?"Jesse asked. You shook your head.

"Right anyway, This is Genji and Hanzo, the shimada demons apparently," Jesse pointed at Genji, the demon put up two finger salute. Hanzo nodded his head. You smiled at them.

"Me and Genji hunted together before his brother found him and they went to rule their part of Hell," Jesse introduced. You shook hands with Genji, Hanzo didn't look the type.

"Thank You guys for saving me,"


You and The boys passed a tree that was darkened at the top.

"We are about to pass the dragon,"Hanzo whispered. You looked at Jesse, he had a finger on his mouth telling you to keep it down. Nodding you guys venture on.

"You can't take what everyone wants,"A voice said. Looking up you see a huge dragon. Her amber eyes burning down into yours.

"Y/n look out,"Jesse screamed as the dragon dived down and grabbed you with her claw.

" AKUMA Ga ANATA O SHOSHI SA SERU," You heard Hanzo shout. You felt the demons pull you close to her scales. She turned around and blew fire down at the incoming demons

"Y/N!"You heard Jesse shout. You looked down at your partner. Tears falling down your eyes.



Opening your eyes, you look around. You see a lady sitting down and reading a book. She notices you and places her book down. She walks over to you and grabs your chin.

"The Witch never said that you were beautiful no wonder everyone is after you,"She whispered. She noticed your confusion and smirked.

"What the demons didn't say? The Witch said she was going to grant anyone who brought you to her five wishes, since she is my friend I thought it would be a good idea,"

You blushed at how close she got.

"But I might just keep you for myself, I always need a mate,"She said capturing your lips in a kiss. You blushed harder.

What the fuck? You thought as she pulled back and walking away.

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