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Twenty-three years earlier(reader:7, pharah:9)

"Hey Y/n, check out this new thing my mother taught me," A nine year old Fareeha Amari comes running into the Overwatch lounge. Looking up from your book, you see her sweating,  in her karate gi. A huge smile is painted on her face.

You place the book down."Ok, go ahead,". The girl begins punching, and kicking the air. After she was she done she turned to you. Awe is clearly visible on your face.

"That was amazing, Fareeha, you're so cool!" you say in awe. Pink tints her cheeks."I can't wait to fight like that one day,"you add looking down. She puts her hand on your shoulder."You will one day, don't worry,"She exclaims. You two smile at each other.

Ten yrs later.(Reader:17,Pharah:19)

Turning around you see your best friends Jesse and Fareeha waiting for you. Running over to them, you wave.

"Hey guys, Have you seen Tío Gabe anywhere?"You ask. They both glance at each other and back to you. "Yeah, he was looking for you," Fareeha states, smiling building in widely."That great do you know where?"

The shake their heads."I think he was in the Blackwatch area," MCcree adds, scratching his chin just like Gabe.

You nod and pat their shoulders and head running towards Blackwatch.

Two hours later

Running in the Overwatch lobby, you see McCree and Fareeha watching t.v.   Jumping on their laps, head in Fareeha's lap and Body in Jesse's.
"You guys I got into Blackwatch!"you shout happily.

They shout happily with you."Thats great, Y/n," Jesse exclaims. Sitting up in Jesse's lap."We should celebrate," Jesse wraps his arms around your waist. You blush and look at Fareeha, who is looking at the arms wrapped around your waist.

She stands up announcing that she has to see her mom. She storms off, you turn around in the boy's lap. He only shrugs.

Three yrs later(reader:22, Pharah:24)

Sitting on the table in Moria's lab, the woman begin pressing buttons. Pain racks your whole body. You withhold your screams of agony. After a minutes, its done.  The pain subsides and a new feeling enters your body.

Your closed eyes now open, they are a bloody red."One more session and we should be done," She states with a smirk. You hop off the table put your clothes back on. Your phone rings, taking it out of your pocket you see Fareeha's picture on it.

Sighing you place it back in your pocket. Fareeha is going to the Egyptian military and you want to see her off. After her Mom's death,your Tío Gabe forbidden you to talk to anyone in Overwatch.

He blamed Overwatch for her death. Exiting Moria's lab you head to the training grounds. Overwatch and Blackwatch share it.

You begin testing out the new powers Moria gave you.

Eight yrs later(Reader:30,Pharah:32)

You grab the solider and throw him across the street. His body lays slack on the building her into, the wall of a building. Overwatch is so predictable.

Hearing something above you, you look up. A blast pushes you across the street. Landing on your feet, you rush up the building next to you. Getting a good grip you jump and land on the suit and stare at your old friend.

"Y-Y/n?"She asks surprised. You smirk and reach behind and yank her rockets off. You both fall to the ground.

Standing up you hop back, she stands up and grabs the gun form her pocket.  She aims it at you. You begin to walk closer, the smirk still on your face. When you close to her, the gun near your heart.

"Shoot Me, Amari,"You say with such sweetness in your voice. She shakes her head, tearing piling up in her eyes."I-I can't do that,"

The smirk leaves your face and you are confused." Why?" You question sincerely. She lowers the gun and looks in your eyes." Because I love you too much,"

You look behind her and see that the solider is gone from his place. Looking back at your old friend she leans closer to you and kiss you. The old fireworks you got from her are back. Ripping yourself from the kiss, you glance at the woman.

Looking down, you smirk you raise your fist and rear it back and you fall to the ground with the solider on top of you. Kicking him off of you. You run and hop on a building. Looking back you see Fareeha staring at you.

Turning your head around you hop onto the plane that was waiting for. you. A talon solider is waiting for you with bandages. You sit down and he begins to patch you up.

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