Alternate for Cheater!Mercy

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For @Fireywer.

"Hey Guys," You call out to Lucio and Hana. Lucio smiles and waves, while Hana raises her eyebrows at you before turning back to her game.

"You guys seen Angela, anywhere? she wasn't in her room," you ask as you sit on the armrest. The musician shakes his head."No haven't seen her,"

The t.v becomes black and a purple calaverla pop on screen. Words pop up on the screen spelling out.'She's in the lab,'

"OLIVIA WHAT THE FUCK," Hana yells throwing her hands up, flinging her controller somewhere. Gabriel peeks his head around the corner."Language,"He says and retreats. Hana starts yelling into her mic in Korean.

You laugh and thank Olivia and head towards the lab, as you head away you hear Lucio laughing and Hana saying."You put succ one more time on the t.v,"

Making your way to the lab, you pass Satya and Brigitte, waving to the girls as you pass. You also pass a pissed looking Torbjorn behind a corner. Patting his head you make it to Angela's lab.

Nearing her lab, you hear the machines and lab things going in there. Then there is a crash. Scared for your girlfriend you burst in the room.

But what you see is horrible, Angela and Moria.

They stopped what they were doing and looked at you. You can't feel anything. Running out of the lab, you hear your name being shouted. But you pay no attention to it.

You keep running until you bump into a hard chest. Falling back you see that you have ran into Gabriel. Your Uncle. He sees your tears and pulls you into a hug. Gabriel guides you to your room. You see other agents giving you apologetic looks, some trying to get away.

Your uncle pats your back. You hold on to him for dear life. Fareeha sits next to you and joins the hug.

The hug was cozy, it made you feel warm. So warm that you feel yourself drifting to sleep.

Knocking on your door wakes you up. Rubbing your eyes, you make your way to your door. Opening it, you go to slam it in the person's face.

"Wait Liebe," Angela shouts trying to stop the door. Sighing you open the door.

"What Ziegler?"you ask, she coughs and scratches her ear. A little habit she had when she was nervous. It was one of cutest things she does. Catching yourself you glare at her.

"I wanted to explain myself, about what happened," She says looking around. Stepping aside you let her in.

She sat in a chair before looking at you. You crossed your arms and waited for her to speak."So?"

"I'm really sorry about what you saw, it was a mistake, a moment of weakness. I didn't realize what happened, I threw away what you meant to me and I-I..."She stopped, tears were streaming down her face.

Gulping you close your eyes, trying to say no to forgiving her.  The room is quiet, only her quiet sobbing is heard.

Soon she wipes her face and heads towards the door. You step aside as she nears. Sighing you chew the inside of your cheek as the door opens.

"Wait, Ziegler," you said. She turns to you. Hope in her eyes. You take a step towards her.

"I can't be with you but I can forgive you, its gonna take some time," you finally said. She smiles at you before hugging you."Thank you Y/n, I'll do my best,"

She walks out and you can't help the grin that makes it way on your face.

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