The Banshee

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Sitting down next to your friend and partner Jesse McCree. He is a monster hunter, one of the most famous hunters.

"So what are we going next Jesse?"You asked handing him the flask. He took a swing from it before answering you.

"Nowhere, no one has given us a mission yet,"He sighed. You nodded your head."I guess we go to sleep for now?"

He nodded standing up."Night, Y/n,"


You woke up in a cold sweat. That same dream, every night. The screams. A dragon. And the Witch. Its horrible. Wiping your face, you moved the blanket off of you, standing up. You heard Jesse's loud snoring. Rolling your eyes you stood up.

You walked to the river that was nearby. Gathering water in your hands you splashed it on your face. Sighing deeply you rolled your shoulders.

Snapping your head up your heard a scream. A very loud scream. Moving your head in the direction of the noise, you gulped.

It was same scream from your dreams.

A Banshee scream.

Getting to your feet you race over back to the camp. Jesse already woken up, his revolver ready. Grabbing a knife you both stand there waiting for her to come towards you.

"Look alive she's here,"He shouted.

As the scream came closer, you had to restrain yourself from covering your ears. Soon enough you saw a tall figure walking towards you.

"Banshee come any closer and I'll kill ya,"He shouted towards the figure. She kept walking moving closer until you saw her undead eyes burning into yours.

"Y/n, move girl," Jesse shouted breaking the trance. You jump away from her and MCcree flashbanged her and you both ran away from her.

She screamed and started to follow you.

"Y/n we have split up,"He said. You looked at him like you were crazy."What do you mean? You shouted.

"Just trust me alright,"He said before taking off in a different direction. Cursing him you continued running.

You felt your lungs get out of breath. Sitting down behind a tree you got ahold of your breathing.  You heard gun shots. You prayed Jesse was okay.

"I found you,"A accented voice said behind you. Turning around you saw the Banshee. Your voice wouldn't come out. You were scared out of your mind.

She grabbed your shoulders. Looking you into your eyes. You saw human emotion in them.  Which is crazy for a banshee.

"Maybe instead of the witch having you I'll have you for myself," She whispered, leaning down.

"ONI NO KEN WO KURAE," A voice shouted. Looking behind her a demon jumps out and slices at the Banshee. She moves you out of the way and starts fighting the demon.

You watch as the fight ensures. A hand grabs your arm and pulls you away. Looking over at them, you see another demon. You try and get away from it butbits strong grip keeps you in its grasp.

"Stop squirming human or MCCree will have you dead instead of alive,"He said. You looked up at him. He knows Jesse.

Soon enough you saw your friend come into view. Gasping you ran to him and hugged him. He chuckled and hugged you back.

"You damn fool, had me worried sick,"You said. He placed his hands on your shoulders."But we both are alright, yeah?"You nodded along with him.

"So you know demons, Jesse?"

"They're demons?"

"Foolish human,"

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