Trapped in the closet

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Warning:May get heated.

"Damn it," You cursed under your breath. Looking back, you saw about six Talon operatives on your and Satya's tail.

Looking back in front of you, you sees a corner and a open door. Grabbing your partner's waist you hurls them into the closet and closes it.

Hearing the footsteps pass the door, You sighed and looks down at Satya. Your arms over the woman's head."What?" You asked, eyebrows furrowed. The shorter woman smacks your cheek.

"Ow, what was that for?"

"Why the hell did you follow me?" she hissed at you."Is that a way to greet your rescuer?" you hissed back. You both sit there glaring at each other until Satya sighed and looked down.

"Agent L/n why are you here?" Satya questioned. You gulped and turned your head away from the woman."I didn't want you to hurt yourself." You answers truthfully. You turned back to the other woman."I care about my wifey," She smirked.

The other woman groaned and rolled her eyes."I told you stop calling me that," You shakes your head and laughed."I can't, one day I'm gonna put a child in you," You smiled down at the younger woman.

You stopped laughing."Anyway, why come to Talon?" You said your tone of voice made the indian woman look up at you.

"I needed to know what Vishkar is up too," She confessed. You nodded and tried to move. Realizing what kind of position that you are in ,you blushed.

Satya noticed the blush and smirked."Oh so you finally realized where we are,". You smile sheepishly and nodded.

You reached down and tried to find the doorknob. Finally finding it, you tried to open it. It wasn't opening. You cursed under your breath. Satya looked down at the knob and shook her head.

"Damn it guess we're stuck in here until help or the enemy comes," You sighed.  Satya nodded and looked back up at you.

A awkward silence passes between them before you decided to break it."So why do solo mission? Is it more fun? The quiet or what?". Satya pondered on the thought.

"Because, I can't rely on anyone else but myself. If I had a partner everything the did would distract me and I can't have that on a mission," She explained, crossing her arms.

You nod and gaze over the woman under you. She really is a sight for sore eyes. Everything about her is perfect. Her beautiful amber eyes that you can get lost in for days. Her body has all the right curves and beautiful skin.

Satya is the best image for perfect. Her everything is perfect.

"Beautiful," you mummer out loud, gazing at her. She raises an eyebrow at you and glares at you."Stop it L/n," she warns you.

Blushing you realize you said that out loud. Chuckling you stammer and apologize.

"I'm sorry but it's true. You are beaut-" . By placing a finger to your lips she cuts you off."Stop flirting and playing with people L/n, it only hurts them," she says clearly annoyed.

"But I'm not playing around, Satya,"you try and defend yourself. You two start arguing. You telling her that you really like her and her lecturing you about your player ways.

Hearing footsteps approach you quieted down. Satya does not, she thinks that you gave up and she continued to lecture.

"If you keep these ways up your sure to hu-" you cutted her off by crushing your lips to hers. You grabbed her hip and pulled her closer. You felt her tense up but relax into the kiss and kissed back.

After the footsteps pass, you broke away from her and looked at her face. Satya is flushed and breathing heavily. She averted her gaze when she saw you staring at her.

"Have you noticed that I haven't flirted with any other woman? Can you see that I'm serious about you. I wanna love you every day and every night. In your worst and your best," You stopped and gently grabbed her chin making her look at you.

"Satya to me your the best thing that ever happened, your perfect and I wanna be with you. When I'm with you nothing else matters, its like you're the only thing I see," You stop and drop your hand.

"I find myself thinking of you on missions, what you're doing, and how your day went. Then when I see you I try to ask how your day was but you cast me aside, for Fareeha" You closed you eyes and sighed.

"Dont get me wrong, I love Fareeha, she is my best friend."

"Then if I get a chance to see you smile, a genuine smile or a laugh, my heart feels like it's gonna burst, but its never me who can make you laugh. Its always her,"

Satya felt her heart drop. Fareeha is a very attractive and funny woman. She was strong and a fantastic leader. But you are also. Sometimes at least, but with the way you act no one will see it if you continue to act the way you do. Satya wanted to console you, but she let you continue.

"I feel so many things when I see you or am near you. You mean so much to me and it scares me," You opened you eyes to see Satya gazing at you, tears on the corners of you eyes.

You placed your palm over your eyes."I can't imagine a world without you Satya," Satya stands there and comprehends what's happening.

Satya wrapped her arms around your shaking shoulder. Your arm came down and you wrapped it around her waist. You then started crying into her dress.

After a while, you feel yourself stop crying and let go of the woman you loved."Sorry, Satya," You apologized to her. She shook her head."You shouldn't be the one apologizing, I should,"She looked up at you and sighed.

"I always thought you were joking with me when you flirted with me,"Satya said, putting her hand on your arm.

"I'm sorry that I pushed you away when, I thought you only wanted my body," She apologized.

"After we get home, lets go on a date, it will be on me," You said, leaning closer to her. You reached down and guided her lips to yours.

She sighed into the kiss and wrapped her arms around your neck. You deepened the kiss and pulled her body closer to you. You run your hand over her back.

Her breathing become erratic as you kiss down her neck and to her collarbone. Smiling at the little nosies that come out of her mouth. You dragged your hand under her dress and rubbed her thigh.

Her hands go to your shirt and started to unbutton it. You stole a kiss from her. As your shirt came off, the closet door swungs open and staring at you was Solider 76 and Fareeha.

You and Satya blushed as you stared at them. Jack pulls your arm and forces you out the closet. Satya fixed her dress as you raced for the exit.

On the plane, you sat next to Fareeha as Satya informed Jack on why she was at Talon. You started putting your shirt on when Fareeha patted you on the back.

"Finally got the girl huh, Y/n?" She asked smirking under her helmet. You chuckled and looked at your lady. You looked back at Fareeha and nod.

"Guess I did,"

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