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"Yes, Monae?" I replied after staring at the door for the past 5 minutes, hoping she'd just go away.

"Wake the fuck up, Yaya! We're gonna be late, you already know you don't wanna be late and fuck up your perfect attendance." Monae said after banging on the door a few more times.

I continued staring at the door for 30 seconds before I kissed my teeth and got out the bed to open the door for my sister,  Monae. Not before looking at my tired and tear stained face. I sighed and walked straight into the bathroom.

Although me and Monae weren't blood sisters, you wouldn't be able to tell. We look exactly alike, apart from the fact she's slightly taller than me and had light brown eyes - we were twins essentially. She was adopted by my parents when she was 6 months old and we've been inseparable ever since. I love her more than anything, she's my best friend, although we don't chill together a lot at school because I don't like her friends,  we're closer than anything...

Even though we looked alike, Monae was the more... loud sister. She had the banging body, personality and looks. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't ugly or anything, but Monae just had everything. She was honestly beautiful.
I was always known to be the shy, scared and quiet sister - whereas Monae was a peoples person; the complete opposite of me. I'm not shy though, I just prefer to keep myself to myself. Its easier and plus, I don't like dealing with bitches.

I stopped to look at myself in the mirror as I got out of my 10 minute shower, and just smiled. I left the bathroom and saw Monae fixing her make up by the mirror as I continued to get ready for my 11am lecture.
I was currently studying Maths with International Finance at Uni, so you can imagine how demanding that course is. I needed to go to these lectures on time, cause boy. Miss the first 10 minutes and I'll be doing Mr Krabs through out the rest of the lecture.

"You can't stop looking at yourself, huh?" I smirked at myself whilst watching Monae take selfies with her vain ass.

"I can't help it, my make up looks good today." she laughed whilst continuing to take selfies for snapchat.

"Whatever." I replied.

I continued getting ready and finally decided on wearing my navy blue champion tracksuit with white airforces and a black long puffer jacket.

"Okay, lets go!" I said as I finished packing my long champ bag with my laptop and school books.

"Why you copying me, Ya?" Monae questioned whilst scrunching up her face. She was wearing her khaki nike tech tracksuit with black Ugg boots.

"Copying you how? You even get your sauce from me. Shut up and lets go, bitch." I walked past her chuckling, heading to my dorm room doors and waited for her at the door so I could lock up.

She rolled her eyes and finally exited my room. I didn't live too far from campus, it was a 10 minute walk from my accommodation which I was grateful for. In my first year at uni I lived on campus with a bunch of smelly fuckers, who I had to share a bathroom and kitchen with. So you know a bitch had to boss up and pattern a nicer accommodation. I was grateful to have my own space this year, plus Monae lived a couple floors up from me so it was cool.
We continued our journey to uni, talking about our plans for the rest of the week. It was a Monday, and you could see this in everyones face on campus. Today was our first day back from break, so I know everyones gonna be extra as hell. I rolled my eyes just thinking of it.

I heard someone scream, Monae and I jumped and quickly turns our heads to see what was happening.

"AHHHH!" Monae screamed in return once she turned around and noticed it was her other 'best friend' Amina, who ran towards us.

I internally rolled my eyes and gave a tight lipped smile as she approached. You know them smiles that white teachers give you? Yeah.

"OMG Monae I missed you so much!" Amina screamed whilst they jumped and hugged each other.
Amina and Monae met at a summer school in Kent before we came to university, and they clicked since the first day. She lived far though, so they couldn't see much of each other during the summer holidays -  which I was grateful for. I was jealous at first as Mon was always good at making new friends, but that was honestly never my cup of tea. Truth be told, Monae was the only friend I really had. I didn't like to see her spending time with other people but I knew I couldn't keep her away from others.... So I had to accept all the shitty new friends she had.

Amina wasn't really my cup of tea though. She was ratchet as could be, pretty as hell and also active. If you know what I mean....

"I missed you too boo, its been too long since I've seen your dumb face." they laughed as they hugged.

"Hey, Seriyah." Amina waved to me, I smiled and waved back putting in my earphones to tune them out. Here came gossip time. The queens of all the gossip.

We all continued to walk together until we got to the cafe. It was only 10:30 so I had a little time to spare before I had to head to class. As I approached the line to get something to eat, I heard that same annoying voice that made me roll my eyes and walk faster.

"Yo Seriyah, slow down." He said.

I took in a deep breathe and stopped, "Hey, Tre. Whats up?" I asked dryly.

"Nothing, I'm tryna see whats up with you..." he said licking his lips and smiling. I swear, I vomited internally.
Tre was a guy who was in my Financing seminar, he was well known for being a ladies man, and had been trying to speak to me for the past year. He was nice and everything but he weren't my type. Plus, he had sex with Amina in 1st year after a party, so I don't want no part in that fiasco. Any man that passed through Amina can't make a pass at me, please - I like my health.

I stared at him as he just smiled showing his full set of pearly whites.
I scoffed ''Nothings up with me I'm fine, don't I look fine, sir?''

Licking his lips again, "Well my bad. Yeah,  you look fine. You've been looking fine since first year Seriyah."

As in, how can someone be so full of cringe?

I straight faced him then laughed, "Whatever Tre, bye."
I began to walk away but not before he grabbed me and kissed my hand and said, "Bye, Seriyah."

I stood there in shock, looking at him as he walked away. This guy is too strange, I thought and continued my journey to get food. After wasting a good few minutes in the line, I realised I had to make my way to my lecture; so I decided to eat in there instead.

I walked to Monae and gave her a hug and waving bye to Amina before I made my way to class.
"Call me when you finish class so we can get lunch!" Monae shouted, I nodded my head and continued to walk.

I love my sis, but fuck; she knows how to be loud innit!

We'll be updating frequently so watch out 👀

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