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'I duno, what are you wearing?' I said to Amina

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'I duno, what are you wearing?' I said to Amina.

We had been chilling in my room for the past hour talking about what we was going to wear this weekend for Lauren's end of year party. She loved throwing a party and we loved attending it.

'Sis, I don't even know. I need to order something today. I've got to be looking very cuteeee. I want a boyfriend all you guys are basically married', she said and laughed.

'No one is married, shut up.' I replied pushing her and laughing.

Everybody at uni had been talking about the party this weekend. It was going to be the biggest event since it was the last one. So everybody was looking to do the most as per. And everyone would be going all out.

'I showed Aaron a couple of outfits. He wasn't feeling any of them,' I began to say.

'Mhm' She said.

I turned around and notice that she was texting away on her phone not paying attention. This was something that happened every time I mentioned him. What is it about Aaron that got her so annoyed or made her so uninterested.

When I asked him, he got angry so I thought I could ask her.

'Why is that when I talk about AP you completely shut out, like why do you hate him or dislike eachother?' I asked

I just wanted my two favourite people (after Seriyah of course)to get along, why was that so hard?

'No reason, we just haven't liked each other since first year. I'll be nicer though I just want you to be happy.' she said looking up at me smiling. I smiled too before she continued 'Anyway, I'm hungry'

I sighed and sat down on my bed. I will get down to the bottom of this one day but I was satisfied with this answer for now.

I sat down besides her and grabbed my laptop to look for something to order. Amina was besides me on Instagram liking pictures none stop.

I couldn't find anything I wanted to eat so I put my laptop down and grabbed aminas phone and ran out the room. It was the only way I could get her to come to the kitchen cause she hated cooking.

She ran after me rolling her eyes and slapped my arm once she got near me 'dumb Bitch.' She said before jumping up and sitting at the counter.

'Shut up its time to cook.' I said as I looked at her phone and saw it was on a picture of Ashley and izzy.

I rolled my eyes at the picture before handing her back her phone.

'Why you rolling your eyes bitch.' Amina said to me laughing and liking the picture.

'I don't like her. Izzy's cool though I guess he's a little quiet but calm.' I said truthfully. I didn't like Ashley cause of that little problem she has with my sis and if you have a problem with one then you have a problem with the other that's how it goes.

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