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Amina's POV

"See you later babe." I said as I came off the phone to Tre. 

I knew he'd come around sooner or later. He just called me telling me to meet him later on tonight at his house. No surprise, I knew he wouldn't be able to resist for too long.

I didn't understand why he was making for everyone in the school. He liked me and we had definitely fucked more than once but I knew better than to talk loosely about him or myself.

No one would believe me anyways.

All the rumours at uni weren't even real kmt. Yes, I had sex with Tre at the first party of the year and on separate occasions I've had a few flings with some guys at uni but everyone was dragging when they said I've had sex with half of my year.

Even if I did, who's business is it? NO ONES.

Out of all the guys, Tre was actually the only one I was legit interested in. He was interested in me too until he saw Seriyah.

I'm not gonna hate on her and badmouth her like she does me. Only because I don't even know her myself. She was pretty though.

Prettier than me? Meh.

I was never the jealous type but I weren't feeling this 'thing' goin on between Tre & Seriyah. Everyone knew I liked him and so did she. She's fake as fuck for that in my opinion. I was her sisters bestie. I didn't understand why she didn't like me. I loved Monae just as much as she did. I was nice to her and stuff. I mean I found her kinda weird but I was never disrespectful. She's just jealous of me and for that I don't rate her.

Anyways, Tre and I knew each other before we got to uni. We had each other on instagram but never spoke. I always thought he was sexy. But he'd only like my pictures back. He weren't getting the hint 🙄

So when the opportunity for us to have sex arose I was down for it. I'd been wanting him forever so why act shy now? I wasn't that type. If I wanted something, I'd get it.


Plus, I make sure to stay protected. I wasn't a hoe. I just enjoyed sex....Either way, it was what it was so whatever.

I decided to get up and start getting ready to meet my Bae 😋😋😋😋😋😋. I knew he wasn't gonna be serious with Seriyah. If she weren't such a bitch I would've told her on nicer terms and not how I told her in the library. But she was irking me.

Apparently they'd even been going on dates and I defo couldn't believe that. He'd taken girls out before but only 2 he was dating. Other than that he fucks and ducks. I know Seriyah would've be too willing to give it up to him and I know Tre likes girls who take action so that's what imma do 🤗.

After about 50 mins of doing my make up and hair I was finally ready. I decided on wearing my black jumpsuit which made my bum look 10x bigger.
It was low v neck so it made my breast sit up right just how I know he likes it. My hair was in a middle part which loose waves. And stopped right above my firm bum. I watched myself in the mirror and smiled as I looked at my banging body.

How the fuck would Tre resist? Impossible.

My accommodation weren't too far from tres house. It was about 20 minutes in a cab so i decided I'd just take an Uber. It was already cold anyways.

As I waited in the lobby of my accommodation I saw Aaron entering. We looked at each other briefly before he started laughing obnoxiously. He was flipping annoying I don't know what his problem was but I was getting tired of it. I rolled my eyes and decided on ignoring the idiot.
My phone vibrated in my hand indicating I received a notification ..

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