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Croatia Empire Hotel 1:13pmDAY6

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Croatia Empire Hotel

It was finally the last day of Croatia. I had enjoyed my holiday thus far. Amina and Nae had been a big help. Even with my shitty attitude they were there for me the whole way and I love them. Amina had been a bit quiet lately but I'm guessing she's tired of this holiday. I will try get to the bottom of it though.

I've also hung around with Ricky a few times and it's safe to say I like him. He was my new found friend after this trip. He was soooo silly and he keeps me laughing which was good. I've enjoyed my holiday so far and the fact I hadn't seen Tre yet was even better. I know Just the sight of him would make me sick or anxious. And that is not what I came on holiday to do.

Ricky was also friends with Izzy which meant I was around them lot a lot of the times by force but I didn't mind. I didn't speak to izzy and nor did he speak to me so everything was great. We had small interactions which were short and he didn't call me a bitch so far so I could stand being around him.

I had avoided going to most of the parties on the beach though. Especially the evening motives. It was too wild for me. I had seen a girl basically having sex on the boat party the other day... I was shook. But I guess that's her living her best life? If that's what she wanted to do on holiday then good for her but I would rather die.

I was currently in the hotel reception waiting for Ricky. We were gonna go out to eat quickly then he was going to the beach. I hadn't decided what I wanted eat to yet but all I knew is that I was hungry as fuck.

'Yoooooo Seriyah.' I heard someone shout loudly. I shook my head instantly knowing it was Ricky with his loud ass self.

'Why you shouting?' I responded while turning around to face him and giving him a hug.

'Shut your big mouth up.' He replied rudely as always. I laughed at his foolishness and pulled him out so we could leave.

'Wassup tho.' He said to me as we left the hotel lobby and walking to the strip. It was a 10 minute walk there and the weather was beautiful. I loved the country. I just hated everyone here.

'Nothing I just wanna eat, wbu?' I asked him as I grabbed my phone and text my groupchat with Amina and Monae letting them know I was gettin something to eat with Ricky.

'You always wanna eat, but I'm good I need a Bitch to fuck though. Walking around with you got everyone thinking we're together.' He said as he watched a girl walk past him and turned his neck like an owl trying to see her bum.

Men. Such trash.

I hit his shoulder and pushed him 'don't refer to women as bitches, bitch. Have some manners.' I said and rolled my eyes. I had told him about his foul language.. he probably gets it from that dumbass friend of his izzy. Since that's all he tries to call me.

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