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a/n: shorter chapter cause I know ya'll hate her 🤣

These past couple weeks have been some of the worst weeks I've ever experienced in my life

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These past couple weeks have been some of the worst weeks I've ever experienced in my life. From losing our baby to the break up I was shattered. I haven't properly left the house and I've been ignoring my friends. The only person I wanted to be around was Isiah and as of lately he seems like he's too busy or invested in someone else. But really I could only blame myself.

I broke up with him because I felt like he was acting distant and like he didn't want to be with me. Well that was my opinion on the situation, we were already going through it and then I found out it was pregnant so I got scared and just ended everything.

Izzy was everything to me and I was basically wyling at him for no reason. I was so scared when I told him about loosing the baby because it was my fault. I was stressed out and didn't wanna tell anyone so this was the result. That day I went to his house and he told me he was breaking things up for good I couldn't take it.

I've been with Izzy for 3 whole years. We break up and fight all the time but there was something about when he told me he didn't wanna get back with me that scared me. He couldn't leave me.

Since then he's been trying hard to be around me more but it just don't feel the same. I try to ignore it but I can't. That night at his house he said we'd get through everything together so I'm hoping he's giving me a second chance. It basically felt like we was back together but I know we weren't.

I messaged him earlier today, as nobody was home and told him to come and stay with me. He told me that he was 'busy' and would come by in a couple hours. Now, those same couple hours had gone past, and I was beginning to think he wasnt coming. I sighed and picked up my phone to message him. I started to type my message and the door bell rung.

I ran down the stairs and opened it to see Izzy standing there with McDonald's in one hand and creams in the other. This huge grin came across my face as he came and I tried to kiss him on the lips but he turned his head so it landed on his cheek.

He started choking and coughing hard. 'I got this bad cold I don't want you to get it.' He said to me and I nodded my head. 'I got you food though.' He said as he smiled.

'You the best I swear,' I said taking my things from him.

'I know I know,' he replied whilst following up the stairs.

He flopped his body on my bed, as I sat on my desk and stuffed my face with this food.

'Izzy you really trying to fatten me up init,' I said in between bites.

'Nah you're good ash. Body just right,' he said licking his lips. I still got it then — I thought to myself.

'Come. Finish that later. I wanna speak to you,' he said patting the space next to him. I smiled, and took my last bite and crawled into the bed with him.

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