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Seriyahs POV
After spending the last hour with my head in my books I decided I could finally take a well deserved break. I've always been a maths freak I love it 😂.
Wild, I know but for the places I'm tryna reach I have to pattern so it's whatever.
I gave myself a maximum of 10 minutes to spare and dedicated it to writing some poetry.
I plugged my earphones in, put my head down and began to write.
Poetry had been something I've always done. I've been writing since I was little, probably from 4. I was very anxious as a child and this was something the only way that allowed me to relieve that. I don't know exactly what made my anxious or my reasons but i had to grow to deal with it.
It's The only thing that helped.....

It allowed me to express my feelings without having to speak to people. I've grown out of being anxious though thanks to Monae. She was honestly my everything. Our mum told us when Nae was first introduced to the family I made a big tantrum and cried. I found it funny, who would thought from that we would've been so close... Although, she was a few months younger we were one in the same.
She would beg our mum to come to every single therapy session I had when I was young and would hug me until I stopped crying.
So I love her with everything in me.

Even though I wrote poetry i was never one to share what I wrote with people. Well at least not as myself. I created an anonymous blog I post my poetry on every month just as a release. I have over 10,000 likes altogether. I could never reveal myself though. Never. My poetry was more like songs...
I'd listen to an instrumental and write whatever feelings I had down. The only people who knew about my poetry and my singing was Monae. Not to big myself up, but I was a good singer. Anyways, She was the only person I'd share it with.
My parents knew I wrote but they'd never push me to share it with them so I respect them a lot for not pressuring me into that stuff.

After writing non stop for 15 minutes which was longer than I anticipated I grew tired and decided to just stop. I relaxed in my seat and admired the foggy weather and rain from the window. It was peaceful and I had 40 minutes left to spare so I decided to spend the rest of my time here before heading to my 4pm lecture. The last of the day.
I couldn't WAIT to get home and relax in my bed. Especially with this rain 😩. No feeling is bettter than being warm in bed and listening to the drops of rain outside.

As I was looking outside I noticed a guy in the window on the opposite building look out of the window. He was dark skinned and from what I could see hard dark brown eyes with a chiseled jaw. He looked handsome I thought to myself. I couldn't really see his face properly as he was far away but I continued to stare at him attempting to figure his face out. He looked like he was in deep thought about something and for some reason I was interested in knowing what he was thinking about. Weird? I know, but have you never wanted to know what's going on inside someone elses brain?
This was that type of moment. I wanted to take a picture of him so badly, so I could remember his face. He looked real mysterious....

As I continued staring I guess he felt eyes on him as he slowly looked towards me and his whole face changed from his thinking face to a 'who the fuck is this bitch and what is she staring at' face. He gave me a cold glare which caused me to look away fast! I started playing with the zipper of my jacket busting myself to pretend I weren't just staring a whole through this mystery guy. He looked familiar but I know I definitely don't know him. Who could I know? I keep myself to myself and that's it. Hell, I barely know anyone in this place. I looked back up at the window trying to see if the guy was still there but he wasn't. I felt myself growing sad then realised I didn't know him so fuck it.
I made a mental note to ask Monae if she knew who he was. I was interested.
I checked my phone again for the time and decided I should just head out of the library and start making my way to my last seminar of the day. One hour left. Just one hour. You can do this Ya. I said to myself as I dragged my body through the halls. I continued walking tiredly towards my class whilst scrolling through insta. My insta was private and I only followed 10 people and had like 100 followers. I posted once a blue moon but never came off private. Tbh, I didn't care about followers and likes. I was only on there to check the shaderoom... I mean, who doesn't love a bit of shade?
I finally made it to my classroom and took a seat by the front as I waited for my lecturer to arrive.
....... one hour ya, you can get through this.
Monae's POV

"Thank God that class is finished. I was flipping dying in there omg." I said to a boy named Ricky in my class. He was such a cutie. Since first year he had always been a gentleman to me. He always helped me with everything and left a cute note on my table every morning lecture on Mondays. Well, i got one every lecture I attended. Nevertheless, I loved him. Not like that but as a friend, he was a breath of fresh air.

"I know, I saw you sleeping in there. You know she gonna mark you down for that." He replied whilst smiling back at me.

He was so cute. I cooed in my head as I watched him smile. He had a nice smile and dimples and smooth skin, he looked like a baby honestly.

I kissed my teeth, "I don't care, she's too boring I can't stand her." I said back whilst rolling my eyes and digging my phone out of my pocket.... as I took my phone out I decided to check my iMessages as I continued walking with Ricky and another girl from our class.

Twin: You finished now? I'm waiting for you by the library exit 🙄. Don't take long. 5:02pm
Aaron Powers 🤢: come see me before you leave. 4:58pm
Don't reply. : always acting like a bitch. 3:08pm
Don't Reply. : so you're airing my calls now? 3:01pm
+4478966132 : Wassup beautiful. 12:36pm

I rolled my eyes as I went though my notifications. I replied to Yaya telling her I'm gonna be about 15 mins and waited for her reply...

Twin: Ok, I'll wait for ya 5:04pm

"Bye Monae, bye Ricky." The girl from our class said. I replied bye while waving back to her.

"I'm going this way." He pointed towards the university car park. "I'll see you on Thursday."

"Okay, see you later babe." I said walking up to him and giving him a friendly hug. He smiled back and winked at me "Later beautiful." I smiled and got right back into looking at my phone ..

I smiled again and decided to message Aaron back.
Me: ok. 5:05pm

Aaron Powers🤢: 😋 5:05pm

I rolled my eyes at his response and locked my phone before making my way to meet him. I didn't have to ask where he was because I already knew... This would not be the first time I've met up with Aaron but that's a story for another day.

I approached the Football field and saw Aaron standing besides the locker room besides it. He looked up when he heard me approaching him and started smirking.

I stared at him.. "You have 15 minutes. My sisters waiting on me." I said as I continued to stare at him with an unbothered look on my face and attitude in my voice.

He watched me for a second before replying "okay, come here then." He said as he pulled me towards him. We were just a few centimetres away. I could feel his presence,  literally.
He stared at me in the eyes before pulling my face forward and kissing me. I smiled as I kissed him back whilst rubbing his head.

He parted from the kiss after about 10 seconds and stared at me... "you looked good today nae." As he held my hands and admired my face.

I looked away and blushed whilst Thanking him.
He chuckled and said "nah don't act shy and quiet now, you had a lot to say today at lunch." Whilst having a cheeky grin on his face.
"I'm not shy, it's just you — you're staring at me all funny." I said pushing him away from me and rolling my eyes and laughing nervously.

I don't even understand why I'm so nervous. I'm never pressed over a guy. And I mean this Aaron Powers for God's sake. This is only fun. Snap out of it Nae. I said to myself. I know this is the hoe Aaron but I knew he didn't kiss just anyone and this weren't our first time in a situation like this so I didn't mind kissing him.
What's happening to you Nae? I thought to myself.

I kept my cool and he pulled me towards him and just hugged me. We stayed like that for 2 more minutes before he kissed my forehead and said "I know you need to go and I don't wanna keep her waiting. I'll call you tonight okay."

I didn't answer at first and just nodded before he kissed my lips again. This time I felt his hands going Lower down my back. I pulled away and pushed him. "Don't push it Powers."

He laughed and apologised before hugging me one last time then pushing me away. I giggled and walked away from him smiling from ear to ear. What are you getting yourself into Nae?

AN: Longer chapter guys, did you like it? COMMENT AND LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK

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