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Seriyah's POV
After walking away from Tre I felt relieved. He seemed genuine about being cool with me and considering he spoke to Monae about it I decided I'd just go ahead and be nice to him. It wouldn't kill right? I mean, we were just friends..... if we could even call it that.

After about 30 minutes I had finished up in the library and collected all my books for my revision session later. I was surprisingly still in a good mood from my conversation with Tre.
Not that I was expecting anything major to happen between us, but I was looking forward to making a new friend. I wasn't open to befriending people most of the time so this was definitely something different. I left the library and made my way towards the toilet whilst texting Monae letting her know I was on my way home and had something to tell her.

I kept my head down as I texted and heard the toilet doors opening. Expecting it to be a female i kept my head down, until I heard a guy chuckle causing me to look back up at the door. What I was not expecting to see was Tre & his queen Amina. I was pretty shocked since I thought 'they didnt like each other." Ha.

But I wasn't surprised.

Boy was we wrong I thought. "He don't like her." My ass. I had a feeling as well and this is why I should just stick to my gut. I felt myself getting annoyed by the sight of his face. ButI didn't wanna show my annoyance so I simply annoyed that tramp Tre & give amina a small smile. She gave a fake smile back before waving back then looking at I'm guessing her "boyfriend" Tre.

I could feel the idiot staring at me as I remained cool and walked into the bathroom. After walking in I checked myself in the mirror and gave myself a little pep talk. I was about to enter one of the stalls till I thought about what they were possibly doing in here.

I know I can't be angry... can I? He's not my man. He's not my friend. He's nothing but a guy from uni...

I'd been in the bathroom for 15 minutes now so I was hoping I had wasted enough time and the newly married couple would be gone. But I was wrong, yet again. There Tre stood opposite the door, as if he was waiting for someone?????? I looked back towards the bathroom looking for whoever he was waiting for behind me? Cause it Could never be me.

I didn't give him a second glance before I made my way to the exit whilst getting my earphones out of my pocket. I felt Tre's presence around me and looked up at him standing beside me. I gave him a fake smile before picking up my speed. I didn't get very far before he stopped me.

"What do you want Tre? It's late and I wanna get home." I said with attitude and annoyance written all over my face.

"Are we cool?" He said with a sad look on his face.

I raised my eyebrows quickly to say 'yes' before putting my earphone back in and walking away. He grabbed me again but this time kept holding on to my hand.

"If were cool why you walking away and shit?"

I stared at his hand waiting for him to release me as I felt my anger boiling. He was getting on my nerves and I didn't care about this conversation or him.

"Don't touch me like that cause I don't know you and we're not friends. I don't care about your relationship with x y & z. So if that's what you keep trying to speak to me about you can just stop now because I don't care. See you tomorrow Tre." I snapped. He was seriously getting annoying. He stood there for a second before nodding and walking away to wherever. I did the same and made my way off campus and attempted to make my way home.
It was the the beginning of October and really cold. It had been raining heavy again all day. I'd usually walk home from uni but today I couldn't. I wasn't in the mood to get wet so I decided to just head for the bus stop.
15 minutes had passed and I was getting impatient. I was cold and wet and literally shivering as I felt myself get more pissed off. I tapped my leg before I grabbed my bag and decided to just walk home. I was began walking before I heard a beep noise from a car. I looked towards the car suspiciously as the windows were tinted so I couldn't see who it was. I was about to look away until the person rolled the windows down revealing the whore of the year.. TRE. I rolled my eyes before walking faster but he just drove at the same speed as me so I couldn't really get away.

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