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'Wake up

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'Wake up.' I said to Aaron who was sleeping like a mad guy in my bed. It was 1pm now and he's been sleeping since. I was hungry as ever since he didn't bring the food like he said he would but kept me busy instead.

After playing with him last night it was safe to say I put him to bed cause he was really not tryna wake up. I rolled my eyes and got out of bed if by the time I've finished bathing he's not awake im gonna scream this studio down.

I went to the bathroom to clean myself and sort out my hygiene. After spending almost an hour in the bath I got out, brushed my teeth and put on one of Aaron's old tops that I had and wore a pant. I didn't have plans on going out today anyways. Seriyah texted me earlier letting me know she was gonna come by later today. I've missed her like crazy, I hated that she basically let Tre run her out of uni. Our parents house weren't that far from us but I preferred having to go upstairs to see her.

I went back into my room and saw Aaron still sleeping. He had changed positions and was sleeping on his back with his hand over his face and the quilt only covering the bottom half of his body. I climbed on top of him and straddled his waist and kissed his chest. He moved a little in his sleep and grabbed my bum but still didn't wake up.

I got off of him and slapped his face lightly 'wake up now.' I repeated.

He groaned and held my hand to stop hitting his face. 'You're jarring, gimme 5 mins and imma wake up.' He said with his eyes closed, then kissing my hand then holding it to his chest. I smiled and nodded my head as I laid next to him on my phone. I took a snap of the pair of us in bed with the caption 'when you put his ass to sleep 😛.' After about 10 minutes he got up and went straight to the bathroom to freshen up.

He returned to my room and laid back in the bed but put his shorts on first. He pulled me close to him as we laid there in silence. He rested his head on my breast and wrapped his arms around me. 'Can't wait till you graduate and I can get you pregnant.' He said randomly.

I laughed 'who said I wanna have your kids?' I replied testing him.

'You wouldn't let me fuck raw if you didn't.' He said back.

'I'm on the pill though.' I replied.

'Man shut up, you know you're having all my kids. You're lucky I don't get you pregnant now.' He said biting my breast.

'Stop.' I said giggling. 'You think we're gonna be together forever?' I asked him.

'Yes ain't no fucking way we won't be.. you gotta kill me first.' He replied almost instantly. I blushed at his response. Aaron is literally perfect. He's a little rough around the edges but I love him regardless. 'I love you soooooo much.' I replied straddling him again.

'How much?' He asked chuckling and slapping my bum. 'This much.' I replied and opened my hands as wide as I could.

'Good. And I love you 1 thousand times more.' He responded and pulled me closer to him so he could kiss me.

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