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Seriyah (3 WEEKS LATER)

It had been 3 weeks since me and Tre's date and everything was good. I think I actually like him................... A whole me?

Big woman like Seriyah you know....


I smiled just thinking of it, if I had known he'd be so sweet I would've spoken to him on the first day of uni.... well, maybe not.

Hence the first time I heard of him he was shagging amina at a party but that's none of my business. But, I remember hearing so much bullshit about him through Amina and her other whoring friends....
'Oh he's a man whore and he's disrespectful', 'he didn't pay for my meal' & all that type of girly crap. not to find out he's the complete opposite. He was kind, sweet, handsome, caring and everything above. He treated me with respect and so far as he respected me I didn't care about what everyone else thought of him.

Since our date everything had been perfect. I can't even believe I kissed him. I'm shocked at myself tbh but there was something about Tre that made me enjoy being like this. I felt good.

After our date, he kept the communication up and took me out every single weekend and paid. I was enjoying being wined and dined for once in fact, I enjoyed his company full stop. Every week we'd have the same argument about who's paying and every week he forces me to let him pay. He says "A lady should never pay on a date." Not a lot of guys thought like that so I was surprised Tre was one of them. One of his groupies must've seen us out so By the time we got to uni the following Monday the news had spread all over campus...

'Monae's secret sister is dating Tre.'

First of all, assholes.

I'm not her secret sister. But because everyone knew her and didn't know me they were all shocked. Although, I knew any of them didn't really care for me. They just cared that I was supposedly dating the ladies man of the year Tre🙄. 

Second of all, we weren't even dating. He tells people we are because he don't want no one trying to 'Steal me' or so he says. But we both know.

This new gossip really stirred up university for me. I was getting looks by all the girls in my year and the year above for 'dating the man of their dreams.' For starters, they're giving him too much credit. He wasn't all that. I particularly didn't like the new found 'fame'. I loved to keep to myself because I know what my mouth can I do and like I said I don't deal with bitches.

I'm not the one.

I've also noticed all the boys have taken an interest in me all of a sudden. I know it's cause I look like Monae and they probably couldn't get her attention so they think they can get mine.

The way the news spread you would've thought it was an episode of Wendy Williams. 🙄

I didn't care for it though, I noticed how a lot of girls had tried to 'befriend' me but I knew better. And Monae gave me the gist on everyone so I knew they were all fake. The only friend I needed and wanted was Tre & Monae. Everyone else was irrelevant to me.

I had just arrived on campus to use the library and see one of my tutors. It was currently a Thursday and I didn't have uni today but I didn't mind coming in. I was meant to be getting some food with Tre later anyways so I was dressed decent and didn't come into uni looking bummy. As usual. I wore a pair of black skinny jeans & a jumper.

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