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It just hit 2pm, and I was literally dying to eat. I had just finished my first surprise maths test of the academic year and I was beyond worn out. All I wanted to do was have some lunch, and dive right into my bed; but my 4pm lecture was never going to allow that to happen. I groaned inwardly, uni is really getting in the way of my life - so rude.
I was making my way to the toilet when I got a notification.

Sister: You finished class yet? 2:03pm

Me: Yh I'm heading to the toilet, where you?? 2:04pm

I continued to talk to my sister over iMessage, until I felt a hard bump into my shoulder, causing my phone to drop out of my hand.
"Oh my gosh, sorry that was my fault." I quickly said without looking up as I picked up my phone.

"Yeah, it was." The babe sneered at me.

What a bitch.

I stared at her for a few seconds before I walked straight into the bathroom, rolling my eyes. That bitch had some damn nerve. After I even apologised to her, she's giving me smelly attitude? Honestly, I really don't know for some girls.
I used the toilet and washed my hands, feeling my phone vibrate as I left the restroom.

Sister: Cafe. 2:04pm

Sister: Hellooooooo??????? Hurry up bitch 2:10pm

Monae really has zero patience. I rolled my eyes and started making my way down to the cafe. When I got there, it was much more packed than before and louder. Everyone usually had the same 2 hour break on Mondays, so all the second years would chill in here. I stood by the door for a while before I noticed Monae with a bunch of guys drooling over her and Amina.

"Hey, Yaya" Monae said.
I looked up at her and scrunched up my face. I know she only calls me Yaya when she wants something.

"Hey, Nae Nae" I replied with a sarcastic tone.

She laughed "Chill, I don't want nothing. I just wanna ask you something."

I stared at her waiting for her to finish what she was saying. She was about to start talking until all the boys around the table started laughing and shouting. I looked up to see what they were laughing at and Tre walked in looking tired as hell. I didn't want him to speak to me because I was simply not in his mood, and I currently don't have his time, and all these niggas were way too loud for me. I grabbed my phone and sent Monae a text.

Me: I'm going to the library, I'll see you after uni

she looked up from her phone and mouthed "Why you leaving?"

I took a look around the lunch room which was quickly filling up with a load of obnoxious people so she knew why.

She laughed and got up to hug me. None of the boys around really paid me any mind and I didn't care. I was at school to get my degree and leave. I didn't care for nothing else. I left the table as Tre approached. I made sure not to make eye contact with him as he walked towards me and speed walked right past him.
I managed to get out of the over crowded Cafe and was making my way to the library until I felt someone put their hand around my waist.

"What the fuck!" I said as I jumped and dropped my phone for the second time today. I turned around quickly about to cuss whoever touched me out

"My bad Seriyah, I just wanted to give you your ID card. You dropped it while you were running away from me in the cafe."  Tre said as he laughed and licked his lips.

This nigga is obviously mad. Obviously.

Rolling my eyes, I replied "No ones running from you."
I turned to walk away, when he tugged at my hands turning me back round again.

"What now, Tre?"

He chuckled before rubbing the back of his neck, "Look, I don't know what your problem with me is, but I really wanna just be cool with you. You can't have friends or something? "
"We cool Tre. I'm standing here talking to you now aint I?" I said with attitude laced in my voice whilst rolling my eyes

He scrunched up his face "Yeah, but you're only talking to me cause I'm forcing you to. You being real rude to the only person who tryna be nice to you, but its cool Imma keep trying till you happy to speak to me. I'll see you later beautiful." And with that he walked away.

Once again, for the second time today, Tre left me dumbfounded with nothing to say. I stood in the empty hallway watching him walk away but before I yelled back

"Thank you!"

He turned around and smiled while licking his lips.

This is different from Tre, maybe he's grown up?

AN: YES WE KNOW, this chapter is kinda short but we're just warming up so stay tuned. Please comment your thoughts on this book so far....

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How do you feel about Tre and his interest in Seriyah? 👀

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