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It was officially my birthday! I was 20 today and I was thankful to see another year

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It was officially my birthday! I was 20 today and I was thankful to see another year. I weren't too excited about my birthday or nothing tbh it was another day for me but I had to say thanks to God for another year of blessings. Hopefully.

I had just woken up and was expecting Monae to be in the bed with me still. Until I heard her singing in the kitchen happily. She always treated my birthday like it was hers and vice versa which is why she's so excited. I went into the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. I knew I'd be having a long day.

I had finished freshening up in the bathroom and decided to go to the small living room I had. "HAPPPPY BIRTHDAY SISSSSSS" she shouted instantly whilst playing Rake it Up by Nicki & Yo Gotti LOUD through the speakers.
I laughed and shouted "thank you." as she made her way to me and hugged me.

After the hug I took a look around the room and noticed the room was decorated with balloons and presents scattered around the room. Knowing I weren't really social like that Monae always made sure to do the most for me. Most of my birthdays have been me and her with additional family around and she'd always go ham for me. She was actually the best sister ever. Even though I'm the older one she always looked out for me.


She led me to the table where she had made breakfast for me. It consisted of Pancskes, berries, sausage & eggs. I didn't like Pork so there was none of that swine for me but she had some on her plate.  I didn't have anything against people eating it but pork was disgusting. How can people live and eat happily knowing the animal their eating is a SWINE. A PINK DIRTY SWINE. there's no way.

"How you feeling today sis? You're 20 today!" Monae said to me as she digged into her breakfast.

"I'm feeling normal, you know I don't care about birthdays like that." I replied. Which was truth. I weren't really the type to get all into it. I didn't have any reason to anyways. 

"Shut up, you're gonna care today. You have a boyfriend now so-." She tried to say before I cut in.

"No, I don't have a boyfriend shut up. And if I did it's still a normal day to me sis." I replied while laughing. She's so eager on me and Tre being together but it'll happen when it's supposed to init. I wasn't pressed plus me and Tre knew what we had so it was cool.

"Well whatever, we're going out today and you're enjoying, I don't care." She said quickly. I didn't reply because arguing about it wouldn't change nothing. Once Monae puts her mind to something she always pulls through. No matter what.

We sat at the table eating and conversing here and there for about another 20 minutes. "Get up and get ready. We're going to Westfield. You have 30 minutes." She said as she took our plates and put them in the sink. Then began washing.

I nodded and made my way to the room to start getting ready. I checked my phone and saw a message from Tre.

Tre: Happy birthday beautiful, you're 20 now so I hope u gonna let me wife you now.🤔" I laughed before continuing to read the rest of the paragraph "I hope you enjoy your day, I'm gonna make sure you have the best day today no matter what. Hopefully, imma see you later 👀...

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