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I woke up and I don't even understand how I feel

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I woke up and I don't even understand how I feel. Yesterday was pure madness to me. From Seriyah to Jayda to that dumb nigga she was talking to my mind was in bits.

Once she threw that drink at me I wanted to get angry but I couldn't. I deserved it but I didn't think Seriyah would do something like that. Fuck.

I wanted to chase after her but my pride was on 1000. I legit couldn't move. The violation levels were too high and if it was anybody apart from Seriyah I would've done something I'd regret.

Seriyah looked all types of beautiful to me yesterday and that pissed me off even more. Her body seemed to get better she had that 'no fuckboy glow.' I don't know how she got that look cause I ain't no fuckboy I defo liked her. The situation was too mad and I preferred to spare my baby's feelings. Once she finds out bout the cheating I know she's gonna hate me. I know she felt that spark we had once I hugged her. I know it.

I definitely had to find out about that nigga. Just from the way she behaved with me yesterday I know she still had feelings. There's no doubt and that was good enough for me. I just needed to know she still felt something for me and she gave it to me yesterday so I was glad about that.

But seeing her actually entertaining other niggers was baffling to me. Seriyah was never the type to entertain no stranger but there she was with this funny looking guy. I'm her first man and he don't look nothing like me so she don't want him. It was probably to make me jealous which she definitely did.

Nobody is taking her away from me I won't allow it. Not when i know she still got feelings for me either.

I heard the door downstairs slam then keys being dropped on the table so I assume. Then running up the stairs. From the footsteps I heard i knew who it was instantly. Cue AP in 3...



'YO!' AP Said as he burst into my room.

'Wag1.' I replied as I laid in my bed.

'What the fuck happened to you yesterday bro?' He asked immediately.


'Bro.....' He said as he sat down and went straight to billing it.

'So I finally found her and she standing by some quiet area with this guy.'

'Who? The guy she was with on the beach?' He said.

I scrunched my face up wondering what he was talking about?
'I saw her earlier today and she was with some nigga they were hugging or something when I saw her then she ran-.'

'The fuck? What's his name and why the fuck you only telling me now.' I said slightly jealous. She ain't my girl right now but she'll always be my girl.

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