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Seriyah's POV

It's been a few days since that whole incident with Tre and I happened and to my surprise everything's been great. Since that day he asked for my number we've been texting and FaceTiming non stop just getting to know each other. I was a bit weary to FaceTiming him at the start but I grew to enjoy it.

At first to say I was shocked would be an understatement. Tre was consistent and I liked that. He messaged me every single morning saying good morning beautiful and kept conversation up all throughout the day. I loved it. This was different to the Tre I'd heard about in school and I was happy to have seen this side.

Today was the day we were supposed to be going on our 'date'. So he calls it. I told him it's just two friends going out but he won't allow that. I'm yet to tell Monae that we've been talking. I trust her with everything but we've just been a little busy so I ain't really had a chance to tell her but we were supposed to be going shopping today so I'd make sure to mention it.

It was 11am and after the rainstorm we'd had all week I was expecting the same but it was almost 19 degrees outside so I knew everyone would take advantage.

I got out of my bed and decided to start getting ready for shopping with Nae. I made my way to the desk in my room and connected the Bluetooth on my phone to my speakers. Instantly HER - Focus began to play. I loved H.E.R! She was an amazing artist and she was only 20. Her voice was flawless and she was so relatable. My sis honestly.

After 10 minutes I had jumped out the shower and sat at my desk looking at myself. The music stopped and I heard that same annoying iPhone ringtone... I looked to my phone and saw it was Tre calling. This is something I'd gotten used to as he loved to FaceTime. He claims he loves looking at my face but whatever. He probably says that to everyone.

I picked up the FaceTime before hearing Skepta playing in the background lightly and seeing Tres face appear on the screen as he adjusted the camera on his face. I just came out the shower and was still wet and in my towel so I didn't want to give him the wrong impression so I quickly put the phone down and ran towards my closet.

"I didn't FaceTime you to see your walls bro." He said whilst watching himself in the screen. During this period of getting to know him I found out he was very vain. He said all the bitches wanted him.

"Shut up, I just got out the bath hold on a second." I said whilst hurrying to put on a baggy tshirt and pyjama shorts. Once I got the shirt on I quickly tied my weave into a high ponytail and picked up the phone. "Hey sis." I said to him and he laughed. We'd been calling each other bro and sis, I duno why we did but it was funny to us. Our little bants.

"What you doing?" He asked as I placed the phone down and positioned it by my mirror so he could watch me as I got ready.

"About to get ready to go shopping with Nae quickly, you?" I said as I took my hair out of the ponytail and started to straighten it. Straightening it now would save me time when I was getting ready later and I knew Monae weren't gonna be ready so I needed to pass time.

"Ooooh, u going shopping for our date? Make sure you buy a cute little dress for me." He said whilst licking his lips and laughing but staring at me intently. Feeling his intense stare i rolled my eyes.

"Shut up, I'm just following Monae we haven't seen each other in a few days and I miss her." I said truthfully whilst pouting.

"Awwwwwww look at my baby" He said in a girly like voice trying to patronise me. I laughed at him and continued doing my hair.

We continued to have pointless convo for the remaining time I got ready. He stayed on the phone and watched me which I thought was cute... by the time I'd finished getting ready it was hitting 12pm. With the help of Tre I had chosen something suitable to wear. Of course at first he was being stupid and requesting me to wear whorish clothes like Amina but got tired when I started ignoring him. I wore black skinny ripped jeans with a white vneck shirt paired with black furry sliders. I opted out on wearing make up since I'd be wearing it later to go out with Tre and put on some black flat top shades to complete my outfit. You know how black people start wilding as soon as they sun 😂👌🏾

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