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Seriyah's POV:
We had just made it back to our accommodation building. It was freezing outside so Monae decided she was gonna sleep in here with me tonight. I didn't mind though, it was better than being alone. Plus It was a habit of ours, sleeping in each others rooms. It's something we've always done since we were young so I guess we just stuck with it. It's like having a sleepover with your bestfriend and when we get annoyed with each other we go back to our own places. It's easy and it works so for us so it's whatever.

I shut my studio room door behind me making sure to lock it as I weren't expecting anyone. Not that I expect anyone over here on a normal day anyways but moving on swiftly.... Monae walked ahead of me heading straight to my bedroom door. Knowing it was locked I let her rush over there trying to get into my room and felt her disappointment when it weren't. Who asked her to walk over there anyways? Is it her room?

I slowly walked to the door & unlocked it. I stood there fumbling with the keys for a second. Purposelt trying to piss her off. It was hilarious.

I had a little trouble trying to get my key out of the door and could hear Monae kissing her teeth and huffing & puffing like a bear. I looked backed at her as she rolled her eyes pushing past me walking straight to the bed before she let herself fall backwards.
Dramatic ass.

"I can't do this." She said rolling over and putting on her baby like moaning voice that she did whenever she was about to throw a tantrum.
Actress of the year award goes to.........

I pushed past her stupid long legs to get to my desk to change my clothes before turning back to her and saying "do what Monae? Today was our first day back." I chuckled again. She was so silly at times. So damn extra.

"I know but I can't do uni, I'm so drained already. Not everyone loves uni like you, you know." She sat up staring at me pretending to cry & kicked her feet.

"Oh shut up, you're so stupid. And I don't love uni, I love my future though." I laughed and winked at her while walking to my drawer changing into some batty rider shorts and a baggy top.

She laughed back "Whatever, Mrs Potter." before getting up and making her way over to me, looking into my drawer and picking out a pair of shorts and taking her top off. She always slept in her sport bra and never wore tops. I don't know why, but she always did so I was used to it.

It wasn't long before we were both tucked in my bed scrolling through our phones in silence.
"So Seriyah." Monae turned to face me in the bed. Breaking our relaxed silence. I heard her tone of voice change and knew she was about to ask me something dumb. I stared at her with a straight face "What now Nae?" I replied.

"What do you think of Tre?" I screwed up my face wondering why she was asking. Just as I thought. DUMB QUESTION. I couldn't help go wonder why asked? Did she see us talking or something? I decided to entertain her convo...

"Erm.. he's okay. I don't really know him hes cute but he's kind of a stalker. Why?" I said looking at my phone still scrolling around aimlessly trying to make myself look busy. And not seem like I was interested in Tre.

"No reason, I just think he likes you." I almost choked on nothing when she said that. Likes me?? Why? I'm only ever rude to him. Why would he like me?

"I'm not interested, he fucks with amina and you already know I don't like her like that."

"Correction, they fucked. One time. And he don't like her I think everyone knows that by now." I thought about it and yeah he was rude to her but we don't know what happens behind closed doors. By now we were both sitting up with our full attention on the convo.

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