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Tre's POV.

It was 6 o'clock and I told Seriyah I'd come get her by 8:30pm. It was time for our date and a nigga was excited. I can't lie. Over the few days of meeting and speaking to her consistently I'm growing to like her.

She's not like other females. She's feisty and smart. She's definitely wifey material. At first I wanted to fuck but the more I get to know her the more I can see her being my wife.

She was funny, had great dress sense and hella smart. She's getting all A's in her classes and even agreed to tutor me. I wasn't failing or nothing but I just wanted her to spend more time with me in school. I know she was lowkey and didn't want people to start talking so we mostly spoke after school hours with small interactions throughout the day but texted frequently. She was a breath of fresh air and I fucked with her.

I had been sitting in the living room deciding what to wear as I watched TV. I still had some time to spare before I needed to get ready, plus females are always late so I don't need to be there exactly on time. I didn't wanna look eager or nothing.

As I was relaxing in the living-room in came Aaron with his little sister. She was funny and kept her head in the books and was 17. I saw her as my little sister too. She was visiting different unis as she was in the process of applying and their mum sent her here for the day.

"Wag 1 family." I said towards them. Ashley(ap's sister) looked towards before smiling and coming to give me a hug.

"Hey bro." She replied.
Aaron spudded me before heading to the kitchen to grab a drink for himself and his sister Ashley.

"What time you leaving?" AP said to me as he sat in the couch opposite us.

"Around 8, I told her I'd grab her around 8:30 so yeah." I responded whilst smiling. I couldn't wait to see her tonight.

AP threw a pillow at my head "damn you love her bro." He said stupidly.

"Shut up dickhead. How can I love her?" I laughed. I didn't love no one. what type of wasteman did he think I was kmt.

I could definitely see myself loving her though. She was beautiful, smart and had a perfect body to match her personality. She says it's because she's a Sagittarius or whatever. She was into all that star sign shit and decided to 'read me' one day we were on the phone. I began day dreaming again.

Maybe I do love her?


NAAAAA. I said and laughed to myself.

I decided to go upstairs and start showering. I threw the pillow back at AP before running up the stairs two steps at a time. I felt my phone ringing in my pocket seeing it was Seriyah I picked up instantly.

"Hey beautiful. You miss me already?" I said as soon as the phone connected as laid in my bed with the phone on my face whilst smirking.

"Hi, and no fool. I don't know what to wear. Can you tell me where we're going pleaseeeeeeee." She begged. She's been begging me to tell her all week. At first I didn't know where I wanted to take her so that's why I didn't tell her but I decided on Golf and then something to eat. I didn't wanna do something boring and I know she didn't want to either. I learned that she'd loved being active so I was happy with that. She weren't shallow like other girls who just wanted to be whined and dined.

Since we'd started talking I've stayed clear of amina. I didn't wanna jeopardise this date. She's just starting to like me and I've been liking her so i didn't wanna mess that up. No way not again. She only gave me one chance and if i fuck up I know she won't give me a second chance. I did however have sex with that girl from uni though. I don't think it's that important. Seriyah ain't my girl, yet. And I'm single as fuck so I can do what I want.

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