Chapter 3: Take Me to the King

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Omniscient POV

Here is was Sunday again and like her daily routine Mary was now walking up the stairs to her Church but this time she was being accompanied by her lovely granddaughter and her fiancé. A tittle she gave but used very loosely when it comes to that man.

Just like last Sunday she took her time not wanting to rush in the building in hopes of Anthony passing by again. This will be the second time she's been lookin for him because he had something for him. Something she hoped he'll take and not turn his back on like he didn't two weeks ago. Allowing her eyes to stretch so far as they could , do to her bad eye sight , down the side walk there was no sign of anybody. Well there were people just not the person she was so desperately looking for. With a slight pull at her elbow she knew Ryan was trying to tell her to pick up the pace because serve was starting and they were about to late.

When they finally was inside and out of the cold weather Mary had hope that he would be inside waiting on her or at least trying to keep warm but he wasn't. Taking her rightful seat in the front row next to a few of the older women she associated herself with from time to time. Unable to help the feeling of disappointment wash over her but at the same time trying to cover it up so she wouldn't be caught ,once again by her nosy grandchild, showing that the absence of young man she didn't even know from Adam had this much affect on her mood. She knew Ry was only trying to look after her since she knew that her grandmother carried around a big heart that some or maybe most took advantage of but in the same breath Mary is grown. Way more grown than her still learning baby girl think she is.

Noticing her nana's off mood Ryan couldn't help but to feel some type of way. Not liking the fact that once again her grandmother had allowed someone who didn't matter when it comes to their family to have so much affect on her. That's why she didn't tell her she had seen Anthony only a few days ago because she knew that she would be asked where and that she would go looking. That man was known of their concern and whatever he was going through was none of their business. For all she knows he could've used the money she had given him to go get high just like her mother use to. No longer wanting to think about the situation because it was starting to give her headache. It was now her time to sing like she did every Sunday but this time her heart was heavy , heavier than its been in a long time. The thought of her mother could bring tears to her eyes if she allowed herself to become any type of emotional but the anger she felt when it come to that woman had dried all those tears up. But her mother wasn't the only reason her soul was heavy. Just her looking and thinking back on her reality crushed her heart. No one knows the physical and mentally abuse she goes through when Jahmal feels like she done something to purposely disrespect or anger him. Sometimes she feels like she grandmother knows whats happen but is just waiting for her to come to her and ask for help. Something and y will never do especially when it comes to her nana. These where her problems and she was going to deal with them the best way she sees fit and she doesn't need these church people in her business. With her daddy being the Paster and face of this church it would routine everything if it comes out that he man he had picked to take under his wing and train to take his place one day isn't the man everybody thought he was. So Ryan just played her position like she was suppose to and kept her mouth closed it was the best way for her to get through this.

And this was only the beginning of the rest of her life because the two were even married yet.

"Truth is I'm tired
Options are few
I'm trying to pray
But where are you?
I'm all churched out
Hurt and abused
I can't fake
What's left to do ?"

With her eyes closed tightly as she sung those words from the deepest part of her heart Ryan could hear the people before her telling her to sing it and praising her.

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