Chapter 8: Look At How Far I've Come

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Omniscient POV

Waiting on Mama to come down the stairs in her Sunday's best Anthony sat on the couch in his church clothes as well. He hasn't stepped foot in that building since he had agreed to take her offer but this time he made it his business to show his face. Phone placed in the palm of his hand as he kept looking down at the dark screen every few seconds making sure he hasn't missed the message he was looking for. After what he discovered about Ryan just earlier this week Tony made sure to put his number in her phone telling her to hit him up at any time whether it's night or day if she needed him he'll get put his bed and could running.

She was hesitant at first scared that, even though Jahmal hasn't went through her phone before , that he'll see Anthony's name flash across her screen sending him into a abusive rage. But after about an hour of convincing they had come to the conclusion that she'll log him under a females name and they would only talk when she initiates it. So with that being said Ry would text him every morning with a simple Good Morning that would ease his mind letting him know she had made it through another night with that aint shit nigga she called herself getting ready to married in a few months.

Hearing the light foot steps coming down the steps causing him to stand to his foot before placing in phone in the front pocket of his slacks. Anthony made his way over to Mama Mary before she could even touch the last step. Hand placed in the small of her back as the other gripped the purse in her hand.

"Tony I told you before I can make it down the stairs on my own. I'm not that old yet."

"Yeah mama and I told you as long as I'm here I aint gonna chance nun."

Without saying another word because she wasn't going to argue with him on the topic knowing she wasn't going to win Mary just patted the top of his cold hand before leading them towards the front door. She found herself doing too much of nothing since she's could this young man in and put him under her roof. He cooks dinner or helps her cook. Takes out the trash and if they found themselves riding somewhere together he always drove. She also learned that Anthony wasn't alone good at singing he's also good with his hands. Allowing his free time around the house be consumed by putting together a few items she had laying around still in the boxes or fixing loose doors and chairs. He even changed the oil and brakes in her car so she wouldn't have to pay those crazy dealership prices.

She hasn't brought it to his attention yet but she been looking into Trade Schools nearby that specializes in Auto Mechanics or something in that range. Trying to find the best one before asking him was he interested in attending one the same one she did Christopher. Mary only wanted the best she the ones she took in always has always will until the day she die. If they need it and she has it so do they. Her eyes glanced over at him as his body relax in the driver seat. Right hand steering while the left gripped the little bit a facial hair that has grown from his chin. Deciding to make random conversation because she never really like silences , sh took this as a opportunity to learn more about him.

"Anthony sweetie whats your whole name and your birthday ?" She could tell the question had pulled him out of some deep thought he was in before looking over in her direction for a few seconds before putting his eyes back in the road in font of them.

"Anthony Amir Carter and September third."

"Your middle name Amir is a Arabic name right ?"

"Yeah..most people don't know dat but yeah my pops was heavy into da religion of Islam. My mama use to tell me dat da name Amir cared a very power meaning behind it. Prince or ruler is what they refer to when it comes to da name."

Not wanting to over step any unspoken boundaries Mary tried to bite when he brought up his mother in the past tense yet again but this time she couldn't hold it. She wanted to know , almost needed to know so she can get a better understanding of him.

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