Chapter 4: Song Cry

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Omniscient POV

While that final hour of church passing by slower than excepted Mary sat patiently waiting for the serve to be over. She wasn't rushing God word just wishing Pastor Fenty would talk just a little fast. Somebody about Anthony staying with her felt right. Even though she'll already be looked at like she was crazy by other's and especially her granddaughter , she didn't care that young man needed a place to stay and that's what she was going to give him and more.

Once everybody started rising from their seats talking among one another like the usually Mary was on a mission trying to make it to the back of the church as quickly as possible she could make it through those doors and outside. Without stopping to say hello or goodbye to anyone. Ryan noticed her nana in a hurry to get somewhere as she stood on the stage greeting new members to the church. Since her and Jahmal where going to be the future Pastor and First Lady of the people one day her father made this one of their many jobs to do together as a couple. Wanting to chase after the older woman by deciding to stay in her place , not wanting to be discipline later on by the man standing next to her for embarrassing him yet again. She  still wanted to question her on where she had disappeared off to right in the middle of her performance because it wasn't like her to miss a opportunity to hear her sing. But it looks like that will have to wait until dinner tonight.

When Mary finally let the cold air hit her bare face her eyes were suppose to land on a slim body still waiting on her but they didn't. Only for the spot she had left him in a little while ago to be empty. A very familiar and very disappointing pain filled her heart as she was left yet again by someone she wanted to desperately help. There she was letting her heart get in the way but knowing Mary this nor that would stop her from being who she was ,being who God wanted her to be. So no matter what her goal before leaving this earth is to help as many people as she could even if they don't want it a first or never. Not wanting to return back inside the church , deciding to just head home and start cooking for Sunday dinner tonight. As she across the street trying to make it to where she had parked she noticed notice the tall figure running in a full blown sprint towards her.

Anthony had decided on taking Ms. Mary up on her offer.Not wanting to be stubborn knowing he needed the help she was trying to give him. But while sitting on the stairs waiting for her to return his mind started to wonder. How could he possibly thank her for being so kind to someone like him. So willing to open to her home , that was something the ones Tony had once took care of himself didn't do. While being so lost in his thoughts he blindly shoved his hands into his pockets filled what felt like balled up paper in one of them. Pulling it out he found a few crushed up one dollar bills along with a single five. He had a total of eight dollars resting in his palm from what was left of the twenty Ryan had given him a few days ago. Without a second thought he had hopped up from he spot on the front rushing towards the nearby flower shop he walked by earlier to get here. It took him longer than he thought maybe because he didn't just want to get any ole flowers , he wanted the best these eight dollars would by. After explaining his situation and how Mary was a church woman that was helping him out the florist , whose name he founded on was Rose which was oddly funny to him , helped him pick out half a dozen red and pink roses that came up to well over the amount he had but Rose didn't even take what he had , had only telling him to come back once hes on his feet and by more flowers this time for the woman he wanted to be with.

Out of breath and out of time Anthony prayed as he ran down the sidewalk with the nicely wrapped up flowers that he hadn't missed Mary. So when he noticed her crossing the street he put his feet into over drive going so fast that he wasn't able to stop once he made it to her causing is lanky body to slam directly into a parked car which he was hoping was hers. The sound of someone hitting her car right next to her caused Mary to jump letting out high pitched scream that soon ended once she realized who it was.

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