Epilogue: Us

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All I got is you
And girl, you got me, for real
'Cause you kept it true
Girl, for you I'd kill
Anyone saying that you and I ain't made for this
Anyone who disrespecting what we paid for this
They don't understand the sacrifice we gave for this
They ain't see me on them nights that I would pray that you
Be able to, see the destination I would make it to
Hoping that you wouldn't get impatient
But you stayed 'til we got the better days, now we...

5 Years Later

Ryan POV

"Christopher bring your ass on. We do that shit every time. I'm not going to be later for a third time fucking with you."

"Oh dats beautiful art cussing on the steps of the Lord house."

Shooting daggers his way while AJ set on my hip Chris quickly closed his mouth as Robyn shook her head.

"Girl I don't know how you deal with him everyday." I said as we made our way up the steps of the church.

Here it was another Sunday morning and Chris had us late again. Anthony already here with our daughter Aria as well as Royalty. I know as stood as we walk through these double doors I was going to be the one getting the look but his brother doesn't know how to be one time.

"Girl a whole lot of wine."

"Heard that." Chris mumbles from behind us.

Taking a quick glance back at him I noticed he now had CJ on his shoulders while. Looking at their two children you could tell the only thing Robyn did was carry them for nine months because both look just like that daddy. At least I lucked up and had AJ look just like me since Aria is the splitting image of her father.

Finally we made it to the top of the stairs before pushing up the doors. At times like this I really hated how loud these damn things were because it got everybody's attention. Entering the church my eyes went straight to the stage were Anthony stood getting ready for today service. Both girls were sitting up there with him as they gave up the look like we were in trouble. Putting on a brave face I quickly greeted everyone I walked pass with a good morning and brief hug while Robyn and Chris followed suit.

After the four of us took over the church there was definitely some backlash all we excepted but after a few weeks of rebuilding and clearing house of everyone who didn't belong we got ourselves back on track and have been good ever sense. Though it was the same church I grew up in everything was different but not in the physical way. We all agreed to keep the lay out the same because it was something nana always liked about the Church. The big tall windows, high ceilings, and a stage that set up high enough that no matter where you sat in the church you had a good seat. But what changed was the people and the energy. Yes it's true that most Holy places say come as you are when they really don't mean it. Just a few years ago this place was the most judgmental place I've ever stepped into. People felt like you should talk, dress, and be a certain way when you set into God's house when that isn't true.

The man above knows all of our struggles and that things we can and can not have. He knows times are hard and people need help so if someone could afford or doesn't have their Sundays best on you have no right to judge. That's why that first rule we set in place after taking over everything was come as you are no matter what. If this is were you need to be but you feel like you have nothing to wear it doesn't matter come anyway. Another thing we set into motion was a homeless program not just for women and children but for men as well. Anybody who wants help can receive it here. It's not just a place to rest and lay your head for a night or two but here we actually pick you up and put you back on your feet starting with clean clothes and free haircuts down at the boys barbershop. After that we help find them jobs. They might not pay much but it's a start.

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