Chapter 7: Right There

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Omniscient POV

Even though the snow had finally disappeared from the ground and sky the Chicago air was still cold. Not wanting to disrespect Mama Mary house especially why she wasn't here Anthony found himself on the front porch fully dressed in and wrapped up in his new coat while a blunt hung loosely from his lips.

It's been a little over a month since he's moved in and honestly everything's been going smooth. He even got a job at a near by grocery store working the grave year shift stocking shelves. It wasn't much from what he use to do but it was more than what he had just a month ago. Even his boy Breeze pay him a few hours out the week to clean up the shop so he getting his money and that along he was proud of. Taking a long pull of the herb before blowing a few O's Tony allow the high sensation to take over as his eyes were starting to get low behind his shades. He hasn't really smoked in a while so everything was kind of hitting him all at once not that he was complaining. But all that was blown when he noticed a car pulling into the driveway.

Eyes went from chinky and golf balls real quick causing him to throw what was left of his blunt down in the front step before hiding it under his Jordan covered foot. Ready to stand up and dash back into the house thinking Mama Jay had just caught him but stopped before he could even lift his butt up off the concrete when he noticed it wasn't who he thought it was getting out of the driver side.

 Ready to stand up and dash back into the house thinking Mama Jay had just caught him but stopped before he could even lift his butt up off the concrete when he noticed it wasn't who he thought it was getting out of the driver side

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Mouth slightly open as he tongue found its way to the corner he stared at the curvy frame through his shaded Ray-bans. He ain't never seen shawdy before and was wonder what she was during here that was until he seen who was getting out the passenger seat. Him and Ryan really ain't talk since the first Sunday he had here though they see each other at every dinner. She stays to herself and doesn't really speak too much unless her dude say something to her which Mama Mary was concerned about. It wasn't like her granddaughter to not just say anything when it came to speaking her mind on certain topics.

Once the two women got close enough Anthony realize baby girl was checking for him just as much as he was checking for her. Standing to his feet holding his hand out in the process the nameless lady took it with a smile.

"How you doin' Miss Lady da names Yungin'." He watched as her face frowned just at the eyebrows almost confused like she didn't understand why he called himself there.

"Um...Hey my names Onika but everybody calls me Nicki." Her eyes cut over to Ryan like she was looking for answer which only made her roll her eyes.

"Girl that's Anthony the guy I told you was living with nana. Chris gave him the stupid name."

"Oh so you do talk bout me ?" He questioned with a smirk forming on his face.

Ryan has noticed over the time he's been here and the more he's gotten comfortable Anthony has been more confident almost cocky like. Like he just knew he looked good which he did she couldn't like about that.

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