Chapter 10: I Can't Win

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I don't wanna lose her but I can't live without you
This shit is only getting worse and either way I'mma lose
Responsibility, versus reality, oh
Instead of making you hate me, I have to make you love me
Never thought I'd be crucified for trying to be honest
I'm done with hiding, it is what is, no use in trying to pretend
I can't win

Omniscient POV

"Anthony...ANTHONY !" Hearing his name being yelled out twice caused him to snap out of the daydream in was having.

"Are you even listening ?"

"I'm sorry baybeh. My mind been on some other shit lately. How you been doe ?"

"If you was listening you would know."

Tony let out a frustrated sigh not wanting to deal with a attitude again. It's just like always she don't get her way she get this stank attitude and become rude with a pout on her face like that was suppose to phase him. Being more uncomfortable in his own skin these days and being able to take care of himself better then before he found himself in the presence of a young woman who hes been kicking it with so a little over a month now. Right now they were sitting across from each other in Smoque BBQ neither spoke a word because she was too stubborn to repeat herself and he didn't care even to ask again. His eyes kept glancing down at his phone looking for something he knew wasn't going to come. He hasn't gotten his regular Good Morning from the person he wanted it from since the last time he's seen her when she walked out of her grandmother's house. And with Pastor Fenty keeping his word Mama Mary was no longer allowed to attend the church she's been coming to since her own child was young. Everyday that passes without speaking to her his heart grew heavier because he didn't know whether she was okay or not.

Mama Mary was feeling it ten times worse because that man has taken yet another person away from her. Having his claws buried so deep in that they couldn't move let alone breath without him knowing. With Ryan being James daughter she prayed he'll show her mercy and protect her from the one whose laying hands on her but the look in his eyes the day they all left her home she knew if wasn't true. He was still the monster he taught himself to hide and she went against her better judgement allowing him to see her the first time he made his way back into their lives.

"There you go zoning out again , what are you think about Tony ?" This time her tone was softer but he could still hear the longing frustration in her.

" done ? Cuz like I told you earlier I gotta go meet B at da shop."

With a hard eye roll and without a word his lady got up from her sit leaving the food that was still left on her plate before stomping her way out the restaurant. Standing to his feet Anthony pulled out three twenty before following suit. He was never really one to argue with anyone. Not his lady , his homies he felt like it was a waste of time , oxygen , energy. You stayed how you felt he did the same and if you don't like what he said so be it. He figured you'll get over it and if you don't that's your problem.

Once he made it outside and unlocked the car Shawdy hopped in and slammed the car.

"You can slam da door all you want it's yo shit." He spoke with a chuckle before getting into the driver side pulling off from the curb.

The ride was quiet something he was thankful for because it gave him time to be along in his head before he got around his bro. Chris knew where his head was at when it came to the whole Ry situation because he was just as fucked up. Neither of them really spoke on the topic at hand on the strength of mama but it was really taking a toll on everybody. The not know is what eats at them in most. She was okay ? Was she hurt ? Is she still breathing was all questions with simple answers they just didn't have them. It only took about fifteen minute to get to Breezy's Cutz from where they were eating , hopping out the driver side to open up the other door Anthony noticed he was being watched by one of the barbers named Bird. The two guys really aint get along but like he said earlier Tony doesn't argue.

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