Chatper 9: What Is Love

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Omniscient POV

Dinner had started well over an hour ago and even though the conversation between Mama , Chris , and the Pastor was happening Anthony stayed to himself. His mind was going a mile a minute because Ryan has yet to show her face here. After their performance and the daily serve was over Jahmal had insisted that him and her stop place the store on their way over to get desert. By the look on her face Tony knew what was about to happen and wanted to stop it by saying he would go with them but was stopped well before he could get his thought out by Ry giving him a strong look.

Every minute or two he would look at the window facing the front of the house to see if he saw a car pulling into the drive way and every time he didn't his stomach dropped even more. Finding himself becoming upset with the lack of concern everyone else had then he had to remember they didn't know what he did. Which only made him feel worse about himself. Watching his mother being beating and covering bruises for years and saying and doing nothing is the reason she is were she's at now. He should have spoken up called for help no matter what his mother told him. Not wanting that to happen Ryan , not wanting another life taking because he sat back in the shadows and played quit Anthony turned to mama which automatically got her attention. Even though she was talking her attention was focused on him once she realized he was in deep thought.

His eyes filled with years of restless night and regrets as he took his bottom lip in between his teeth having a inner debate with himself on whether he was going to keep his promise to her.

"Mama I gotta talk to you."

"Okay whats going on sweetie ?"

Allowing his gaze to drift over to the other two men around them Tony didn't say a word before standing to his feet helping Mary on her chair in the process. He led them away from the dinner room and pass the kitchen so that they were standing in the hallway close to the bathroom. His back was facing the front door as his cold slim fingers gripped hers.

"Baby what's wrong to talk me." The motherly tone that was all through her word broke him down even more. Not in tears but giving him that push he needed to talk her the truth. Tell her what's really going on with her grandchild.

Through he knew Ry will be mad at him and probably never speak to him again and if she did it would be in a rude way as before Mary deserve to know. She needed to know before she looses her without even having a chance to fight.

"Mama its bout Ryan."

"What did that girl do now ? What has she said to you ? I'm so tired of her smart mouth , I raised her better than this. I know its that damn devil of a boy she has around her. I never liked....."

"He hits her." He words were low almost a whisper deaf to ears by she heard him but prayer to the man above she heard him wrong.

"W-what...what did you say Anthony ?"

"Jahmal..he hits her. Beats her. When she was here earlier dis week. We got into it a lil bit and I grabbed her it wasn't a hard grab but she jump scared like I was going to hit her."

Signing Anthony dropped her hands before rubbing his own down his face. This was the hardest talks he's had in a long time and the tears forming in Mary's eyes made it no better.

"I asked her does he hit her. She instantly got upset defending him saying no dat I'm crazy. But I know da signs I wiped under her eye with my thumb...It was black."

A gasp left her lips before throwing her hands over her mouth. She mumbles her words to herself that Tony couldn't really make out but he also knew they were for him to hear. The tears were constantly coming with no sign of stopping any time soon as she paced back and forth in the small hall.

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