Chapter 27: If I could I would feel Nothing

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'Cause if I could I would feel nothing
That's the truth and I don't care, baby
That's the truth and I don't care
Mixed prescriptions, bad decisions
World is cold and life's not fair, baby
World is cold and life's not fair

Omniscient POV

By the time Anthony showed up to Chris's front door it was well pass three in the morning. He had ignoring all his calls and text giving up no sign that he was alright. Knowing that everyone probably was already sleep by now he chose against knocking on the at this hour. But since he didn't have a key he decided to call Robyn to see if she would answer before he had know other options but to call his homie that he had been avoiding.

Grateful that she answered on the third ring right before he was about to hang up. Tony hated that he had to wake her especially with her carrying a child but it was his best option. He wanted a few moments before hearing the locks on the other side of the door turn. His head was down as he pinched at his thigh through the pocket of his jeans. Praying the Breeze had stayed sleep and she didn't make him where that their guess had finally decided to show face. When the door was pulled open Anthony released a breath he didn't even know he was hold when he noticed it was only her standing in the door. She had gave him a polite but tired smile as she moved to the side enough to let him in. As he passed the door frame Anthony's eyes scanned the quiet and dark condo to see if this nigga was standing in the cut somewhere but found nothing.

"Don't worry he's upstairs sleeping." Robyn said trying to reassure that the coast was clear. She could only pray that her man who had gone to bed angry and worried stayed asleep until morning. "Come on I cooked tonight. I stay you a plate aside." Giving him no room to deny her request Rob placed her hand on his elbow before dragging him into the kitchen.

Tony sat at the island as he watched Robyn moved around the kitchen getting the food together for him. He wasn't hungry but also didn't want to turn down a meal she had thoughtfully got together for him. As she placed the plate in the microwave trying to get it hot again she reached into the pocket of her robe pulling out a small pill before handing over a bottle of water. Anthony didn't question it only gave up a small smile before taking the two items from her. He actually thought she was going to head back upstairs once she gave him his plate but she did the exact opposite. Sitting in the stool across from him she motioned him to eat.

"How are you Tony ?" Her sudden question caused him to jump slightly because he didn't think a conversation is what was about to take place. Frowning his eyebrows the only thing he could do was look up at her in confusion. He knew what she was asking but didn't understand why. "I know we don't talk much but you mean a lot to Roro and Chris and I know when baby number two gets here you'll mean a lot to him or her too, so that makes you apart of my family....I know you have Chris but he sometimes tend to forget to talk to a person and not at them. He's so into trying to make sure you stay on track that he doesn't simply ask how you're holding up with everything going on around you....So here I am asking how are you...what's going on ?"

Shocked that she even cared Tony leant back in his seat before wiping the corners of his mouth.

"I...I'm okay."

"How are you really?"

Biting at his bottom lip unable to form the words he actually wanted to say. He had waited he someone to say these words to him in more than a form of a greeting but now that the moment is here he was stuck.

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