Chapter 35: Lost

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Take off everything you got on
You can leave it on the side of the bed
Forget what you had your mind on
Baby, keep your brain on me instead
Down, down, down on the
Only one place that we can go now
All the way to the top
Hitting your spot
'Til you say, "Boy, don't stop"
Let's get lost in it
Baby, can we just get lost in it?
Girl, I'm tryna break it off in it
And I wanna get you off plenty

Anthony POV

It's been a few weeks since I found out I was going to be fathering a queen. It still hasn't all the way sunk in yet that I have a mini me in the way and I don't know the first thing about being a father but what I do know is that I'm going to be the best one I can be for her. As far as shit between me and Ry we been hot and cold. Either we real good or we just all the way fucked up and it's not because we ain't communicating. I actually think communicating is the problem. My baby has gotten to the stage in her pregnancy where she's emotionally about everything and if I don't say what she wants me to say I'm either getting cussed out , cut off , or made to be the bad guy because she's crying like a unstable child.

I still haven't told her I loved her yet. Being real I'm a little scared. She been so up and down lately I don't want her to think I'm saying it just because or to try and smooth things over because leave it up to Ryan to turn a good thing negative. Like right now we ain't speaking, well she ain't speaking to me becasue she ate all the fucking Jelly. Yep she ate all the Jelly and she's mad at me like I ate the shit. I been trying to deal with her and her ass mood swings but baby girl stressing me out to the point I cant even be around her for too long without a seizure feeling likes it's about to take place. I know she don't mean no harm but she's putting a physical and mental ware on my body and mind.

Sitting in my chair at the shop trying myself in circles I stared at the screen of my phone mindlessly. It's the middle of the day and I'm waiting on Ryan and Robyn pregnant asses to walk through the door as we can go to lunch. Breeze was beside me trying to hurrt up and cut his last costumer hair becasue if sis walk through that door at he still working she's going to dig into her shit and ain't nobody going to nowhere. The sudden vibration in my hand cuased me to look up at the top on my screen before looking completely up from my phone. Miracle had sent me a text with the waving emoji and now she's actually waving at me from her feet at the front desk with this smile on her face. I stared at her for a few seconds before sending a head nod her way. I guess she took that as an invitation to make her way into my space becasue she instantly got up from her seat making her way towards me. Taking in a deep breath as I rolled my eyes behind my shades I sat up straight in my chair before sending Ry a quick text asking where she was.

Miracle got my number off the employee log and been texting and calling me at random times. Ryan already think we fucking which is apart of the reason for her attitude and no matter how many times I tell her I ain't put my dick in that girl she just does seems to believe me.

"Hey Tony." She spoke as she sat next to me in the chair Ry usually sits in.

I could feel Breeze eyes burning a whole in the side of my face as he conituned to do what he do.

"Wussup witchu."

"Nothing you trying to go to lunch today ?"

See this is what I get for trying to be nice to females. I knew I should've never opened that door for her to feel confortable to talk to me because now I feel like she being messy. I had already told her about Ry and how she was carrying my child she even knows I'm going to lunch with her today since I had to tell her don't plan none of my appointments for after three. But here she is in my space asking this dumb ass shit.

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