Chatper 30: Verbatim

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Say what's on your mind
Say that shit verbatim
Cause I've been second guessing everything
Won't you say me, babe, verbatim
You know that I'ma be the one that's there for you
When you ain't got nobody, swear to God
Won't you say what's on your mind, verbatim?
You know that I'ma be the one that keeps it real with you
When everybody's fake as fuck
I'll say what's on my mind, verbatim

Anthony POV

My head is spinning and I feel like a I have to throw up my insides. My hands were blissing and bruise while Jahmal face matched. I cant even tell you play for play what happen or how I ended up with the side of my face being smashed against the floor of the hotel lobby. My wrist have been bound together behind my back with a pair of mental cuffs as I tried to focus in on a very panic looking Ryan. Tears were running down her face as she screamed at I'm guessing the officers whose knee was digging into my back. I come make out what she was saying do to the clogging of my ears but whatever it was I knew it was dealing with me.

I could feel the seizure coming on. Trying to relax my body enough so that I could let it happen but the pressure I was feeling on my chest was keeping me from doing so. My body jerked as my throat felt is if it was closing or maybe the air was becoming too thick because it suddenly had become hard to breathe.

"Get off him! He can't breathe!" I could hear her cry out but it made no difference to these fucked up ass police.

They rather restrain me that to save me. The feeling of her small cold palm laying flat agains my cheek made me want to focus on her but my lids had become to heavy.

"It's okay's okay. I'm right here." Her voice laced with worry and panic but to the life of me I couldn't help but question how long she was going to be here.

The commotion around me soon fade and everything went quiet. My frame completely relaxed while things went completely dark.

It always felt like it was only seconds between passing out and waking up whenever I had a seizure but it never was. Opening my eyes I stared up at a white ceiling. An all too familiar ceiling. This is the first time I've been back in a hospital since being released and I didn't like the idea of being here. I never wanted to come back for anything but here I am. Looking at everything around I could here muffled talking going on causing me to look to my right seeing Breeze and Ryan standing there. My eyes focused on her stomach that definitely was poking through the tight fitted shirt she wore. Either she's been eating very well since she's been gone or that's the product of something that I'm not ready for. I prayed for the first one but something definitely tells me it's the second.

"What da hell did you do ?! He was straight til your ass came back. Now he in the hospital and facing charges."

Charges ?

Looking down at my wrist, it was cuffed to the rail of the hospital bed.

"I didn't do anything. I didn't even know either was coming. I thought Jahaml was you."

"Bullshit! I don't know what da fuck you been doing since you skipped out. You fucking with that nigga that even my Yungin' baby ?!" Breeze's word came out harsh but was followed by a even harsher slap across his face that turned his head to the side.

Ryan was in tears as her fingers pointed directly in between his eyes.

"Fuck you Chris ! You can be mad at me all you want but don't you ever question who my child's father is...You sit here and you want to blame everything on me like Ryan such the devil but never want to place blame on him." She blindly pointed at me, not even knowing i was awake and listening. "He fought Jahmal, I didn't tell him to. That was his fucking choice...just like his choices got us here...You're so quick to say I gave up on him well guess what, Tony stopped fighting for our relationship long before I left."

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