Chapter 15: What Now

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I've been ignoring this big lump in my throat
I shouldn't be crying
Tears were for the weaker days
I'm stronger now, or so I say
But something's missing
Whatever it is
It feels like it's laughing at me through the glass of a two-sided mirror
Whatever it is
It's just laughing at me
And I just wanna scream

Omniscient POV

Waking up in the hotel room she's been in for the pass two weeks Ryan stared up at the ceiling. It was still dark outside which made it dark in her room but her eyes had adjusted. This had has happen for the pass couple nights now , she'll wake up and be unable to be back to sleep because her dreams or would it be better to say nightmares kept her up. It's almost been a week since her nana had been admitted into the hospital and sadly her health has taken a turn for the worst. Due to the physical damage caused by her ex lover the doctors found out she had some form of bleeding on the brain. Most likely caused when she either fell or was pushed down her staircase at home. But since Jahmal was definitely involved she was leaning more towards pushed.

Neither her or the boys took the news of them having to sedate and place Mary into a medically induced coma well. They barely even talk to each other now. Even though she's pretty sure Anthony and Chris still talk outside of the time the three of them spent together at the hospital. They just refused to make conversation with her unless it was to check in while she was alone. As of right now the house she once grew up in and that Tony was currently living in was empty. None of them felt like it was safe for him to stay there by himself so when Ry offered him to stay at the hotel with him since he was paying for it he turned her down. She didn't think too much into it because she thought he was going to stay with Chris instead until she found out he wasn't. But he chose Nicki's house. Out of all places he could've even gotten a hotel room of his very own but he decides to stay with her but has the nerve to say to her they're just friend or whatever the fuck he called it.

Placing a hand over her forehead Ryan fought back the tears that threaten to fall. She was so tired of crying she had no more tears left to give anybody. Taking a few deep breaths before sitting up right in the bed she reached over to the night stand bringing the new Iphone Chris had bought her. Yep you heard right Chris bought her a new phone not Anthony. She couldn't figure out why everything dealing with him and Nicki bothered her so much especially when she's the one who basically pushed him off to her. Then in the same breath he had been keeping a lot of distance between them. He'll send a text asking was she okay and after she would respond there was no more conversation. Chris was the one stopping by the hotel for a few minutes giving up little to no words but at least he showed his face to her in other than the hospital. It was like the two boys switched roles in her life.

Her fingers scrolled through her contacts before laid on his name once the numbers started counting on her screen she placed the phone to her ear listening to it ring. It only rung twice before it went straight to the voicemail. Did this boy just send me to voicemail is what she thought to herself.

Yeah dis Anthony , I missed your called so text me. Cuz I rarely check my voicemail. Lata !

She laugh at the end by the line beeped warmed her heart. It's been a while since she's heard it. But doing as the recording told she went to their message thread and began typing. When she was finally she hit send watching the screen to see if the three bubbles popped up at the bottom. After a few seconds went by she was ready to lock her phone when she noticed it said read under her message.

 After a few seconds went by she was ready to lock her phone when she noticed it said read under her message

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